There is No Limit
Light around you. Light within you. Light to guide you home. Light to remind you. We have spoken to you of the collaboration that takes place on so many levels when you enter into the matrix of this work. We ask you to pay attention in this moment to what has been called your channel, your spiritual doorway.

Creating a Space for Your Relationship to Light
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to guide you. Light in this moment to comfort you. Light to give you a perspective -wider, broader. Light to bring you peace, to calm that which perturbs you, to calm that which would agitate you. Light is what you would call multi-purpose, multi-use.

Partner in the Mission
Light upon you. Light Within you. Light surrounding you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to show you the way. Can you feel now the fullness of your nest? Can you feel how the nest itself rejoices when all the birds have come back to be in it?

The Art of Discernment
Greetings to you on this most auspicious day, auspicious because you are here, auspicious because the flock has re-gathered. Each of you bringing material, so to speak, sticks, leaves, from your own nest to bring to form this larger nest.

How Will You Know?
It is the great task of humanity, the challenge, if you will, to discern what to follow. In each of your little universes you have many planets, many stars.

Light Can Be Your Best Friend
The first lesson, today and every day that we gather, the basis of what we teach, the basis of what we learn, is to pay attention using the gift of awareness, more and more consciously, more and more simply, more and more perfectly. In this moment, paying attention to how your vehicle..

What Do You Need?
Does your discernment include this moment? In this moment when this light has descended upon you. When the feelings that it generates in you are not dramatic- are subtle. A calming of your being, a gentle expansion of what you have called your chakras, your centers.

The discernment that you seek is already represented symbolically. Every time you open your eyes, do you not know the difference between a tree and a flower? Between a dog and a human? Between night and day?

What Is Lacking?
There are times, are there not, when you feel yourself submitting to despair. When that which would balance the weight of what can seem to be dark, heavy, hopeless is missing. But what is missing? What is lacking? The answer, of course, that you know is nothing is lacking.
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