Light Can Be Your Best Friend

Light Can Be Your Best Friend

The first lesson, today and every day that we gather, the basis of what we teach, the basis of what we learn, is to pay attention using the gift of awareness, more and more consciously, more and more simply, more and more perfectly. In this moment, paying attention to how your vehicle, how your bodies, how your consciousness, respond to the infusion of Light that comes when you gather in this nest. Light, as you know, is not a metaphor. It is that which enlivens you; it is that which creates here the conditions for so much learning and healing that you will accomplish in these days. It can be your best friend in that it will never leave you and will come whenever you are in need of it, and will hold the space of neutrality, perfect attention, without judgement or criticism, and will give you immeasurably more than you could ever return to it. Is that not the definition of a best friend?

All that is asked in return, so to speak, is your attention, and your willingness to let go of previous ideas of who you are, what you are, and what you came here to do. Because that will increase the presence of Light, your ability to receive it, transmit it, call it, make use of and made use of, by it. How simple. And what a glorious opportunity for your mind to seek to make it complicated. So your awareness of that impulse of your mind to complicate, seek explanations before they appear of their own. What a glorious opportunity for you to observe that, come to peace, with it. But as this one would teach, dis-identify from it. You will in these days, and these times together, learn to identify with something that serves your new prayer a little more fully. To discern, as is taught here, what is what; to disengage from your internal judgement, and simply learn to be in awareness.

We will now take you ahead. You will learn to identify with your heart, and through your heart with that which you are essentially in your inner self. That identity will allow you further awareness, further input, into the co-creative process of living your life on Earth. Make use of this time that you have dedicated, that you have, so to speak, carved out from the demands of your life. Start by breathing in this Light. Identify the sensation. Pay attention, as each one of you arrives here fully, how your nest becomes more firm, becomes more charged, with the vibration of light. Because Light is everywhere all the time. But when you come together with good heart, when you come together and make your sincere prayers, that Light can concentrate. And that is our essential teaching. Through that lens, that Light will forge you; your sight will deepen; your ability to discern will exponentially grow.

So form your nest through your good intention. Form your nest through your breath. Form your nest even through your tears, and your laughter, and your kindness, and your truth. Each one of these qualities are, so to speak, the twigs, each is a twig, forming the nest so that we, and your own guides who have brought you here, urged you here, nudged you here, called you here, opened the path for you to come here, can make themselves, ourselves, known to you, principally, through the vibration that you become aware of, in this Light.

So you will hear us say this many times: May you be blessed. You are blessed, and shall be blessed with the peace of the Christ in your hearts. We do not say this to impose any belief system upon you. It is the beauty of this work that beliefs melt and are replaced by experience. We call this peace that you are aware of now, the peace of the Christ. You may call it whatever you chose. What you will learn here is to, nevertheless, call it, to you.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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