Partner in the Mission

Partner in the Mission

Light upon you. Light Within you. Light surrounding you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to show you the way. Can you feel now the fullness of your nest? Can you feel how the nest itself rejoices when all the birds have come back to be in it?

Each of you has been called to be here. We would, however, caution you that not everything that ever happens to you, not everything you ever do is guided from something outside you. In fact, the way we operate is to collaborate with your own innate intuition. We are partners with our intuitive selves. We can encourage. We can suggest. We can, so to speak, nudge. But it is your intuitive self that delivers the message. It is your grounded, centered heart-self that agrees or disagrees with the nudge.

It is a mistake to give away the responsibility for the decisions that you make. Why is it a mistake? Because the point, as you would say, is for you to develop, for you to be a collaborator-a partner in the mission that you have been given. What is that mission? As we have said, to bring that teaching, by your demonstrating it, that it is possible to be a fully embodied, alive, human being at the same time as you are becoming illuminated and working with the ones who already are. We do not ask you to be apuppet. We do ask you sometimes to be a megaphone, a transmitter. But our teaching is for you to be aware, discerning, as to what is what.

The confusion on your earth, it will not be surprising to most of you, will not resolve soon. The opportunity to teach, to demonstrate your light, and demonstrate your collaboration, to demonstrate the way that you make the decision as to how to proceed, what to do, what to say, where to go, that opportunity will present itself more and more in these coming days. Nothing is only one way. All reality is an integration, a collaboration among forces. It is neither possible, nor useful to reduce reality to separated pieces. This is why we teach you to find a central, calm, still, place inside from which to watch, feel, sense, and participate as you are called through your intuitive sense in, so to speak, the dance of reality.

We believe in Freedom. Because we are free and yet we are also under the discipline of harmony. We have an advantage which is also somewhat of a disadvantage. Our advantage is because we do not have the density level of a body, we can feel that harmony more easily with less interference. And yet we lack a certain depth of experience that you have. And the beauty and pleasure that you have when you doaccess that harmony and align all your levels with it including the denser layers of emotion, physicality, memory, and karma. Do not despair; do not allow despair. Despair calls to you the forces of destruction thereby reinforcing the despair, justifying the despair. There are forces that seek to disharmonize, to feed off the disharmony. They are, so to speak, beloved just as you are, but they are not useful to you except as a reference so you can return to the sensation of harmony.

They are like the children running wild on the playground tripping the other children. They will learn, in time, and they will be replaced with others who need to learn. But the base that we are teaching you, the central organizing principle of light, love, compassion, faith, and forgiveness are, at this point, much more important for you to align with. Comfort the children who have been tripped; don't join in their tripping.

We leave you now in this peace of the Christ in your hearts. Welcome all to the nest that you have built and that now holds you. Make good use, make good use, make good use. Your distractions will be there when you return to them. Make this a place of focus, concentration. Absorb all that is being offered to you here so that you may go and create and recreate and reorganize our own nest. Let light be your food, your nourishment, here so you can learn to make it that way in your other nests. Peace of Christ in you, peace of Christ around you, peace of Christ be your food, your nourishment, your sustenance.As you would say, Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Your Right to Choose


Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality