Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality

Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality

Blessings be upon you as you take the next steps on your path of healing. Light be with you, light be in you, light be around you, light be from you, light be for you. The opportunity presented by starting anew is to bring your awareness to the steps of the renewal as you reform your new nest. Reform because the component parts of this nest are the same as the other. The offering of your heart, the offering of your awareness, the offering of your simplicity of prayer; these are the component parts that allow the nest to form and reform slightly differently, blessing those who are for various reasons not present, and yet familiar. After all, as we have said many times, light is light. Healing light is a sub-vibration of that light.

Make the opportunity, if you wish, to be aware as this nest is reformed. How does it feel to you? How do you mark the increase in the vibration, the extension of your heart, and the other hearts to form the circle of compassion which is the basis of the nest? Remember what it feels like so that when the new moment arrives you can say to yourself, “Ah yes, I remember” which extends your participation in the arrival of the vibration even further. Everything we teach you has its subtlety, but in your awareness, in your awakening awareness, in your deepening awareness, in your ongoing ability to allow your ego, your evaluatory mind to rest. In that, you can mark your progress in seeing that, you can mark your progress, because what is actually subtle is actually not so subtle when you become aware of it. A slight shift in energetic vibration, when you are immersed in it, and aware of it, subtlety loses some of its meaning. You’re operating on a continuum of vibration, receiving every moment, information of vibratory reality.

There are those who would disparage you from the subtle study. And while we do admit that what you are doing here is subjective. It also is objective in the sense that what you are accessing is universal, authentic, true energies. You are learning, are you not, to distinguish imagination from vibratory reality. To hold off, so to speak, on your conclusions. And be in the moment, in the process, in the vibratory sea, watching and evaluating where the current will take you and learning within that to choose how to swim. To choose where to put your attention, to choose where to lean, to give best effect to those who join you in that current, learning as you have how to navigate it, showing by your example what it looks like, feels like, to be a swimmer in the current oflight.

As many of you here know, we do not promise that, so to speak, your problems will disappear as you become more aware of the presence of light; but you will have a perspective and you will have tools for accepting the challenge of healing yourselfsometimes within difficult circumstances. It is not even our wish to take away the circumstances. It is our wish to participate with you, to be your friends, your guides, your companions, as you navigate what admittedly can be difficult, painful, troubling, situations.

Now you are expanding your hearts. Now you are forming the nest. Be aware of the shift, be aware of what subtleties appear to you, through you. Give credence to vibratory reality. What do you mean by that? Choose to affirm the reality of what you feel here. Enter more deeply the mystery of your relationship with light which is to say more deeply the mystery of your relationship with your own essential self. All those concerns that you bring with you, all those challenges that you have, will await you when you leave this nest; for now, rest. Be fed so to speak by the reality of vibration.

One of the secrets of this form of healing that we teach you is that the healer gets healed as well as the ones seeking healing for themselves. Participating in the vibratory reality benefits all those participants. Light is after all infinite. You are, after all, a conduit of it, the recipient of it; and as it passes through you to another, it will also clean from you that which no longer serves. This is not a violation of the healing relationship. It is an affirmation of the deeper level of the healing relationship; and it is an affirmation that the healing may come through the healer, but it is not the healer that does the healing.

The reconnection, the reception of this real, authentic, vibration, this universal light, as it becomes focused through you by your prayer, by your attention, by the skills that you are gaining here that is what heals. Glory be to the ones who make themselves conduits of light. May you be blessed in this moment and may you recognize it as such by the peace of Christ in your heart. May this nest be filled with that peace. May you be nourished, fed, healed, illuminated, and taught in the space of this peace. And may you gain, along with all the many things you will gain in this time together, knowledge that this peace lives in you, is available to you, at the call of your breath.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Partner in the Mission


Rest in the Light, in the Mystery