Rest in the Light, in the Mystery

Rest in the Light, in the Mystery

Light upon you, Light within you -feel yourself resting in light, resting. Is it possible, is it possible that we are with you all the time? That that way that you interpret yourself -that you are a little different than you used to be, something's different, something feels a little different, is the presence of your guides?

Since we do not have the bodies that you have, we can, so to speak, be in more places than one at the same time, and so we can leave our imprint with you, so to speak, the antenna where you can receive the transmissions in the way that is your way, in the way that you are prepared to do at any moment. The challenge, of course, is that our transmission, our inspiration also passes through, so to speak, the same place as is occupied by your mind.

And so as you rest in light, you recognize, the feeling, the sensation, the coloration, the inspiration, and of the interference of your most active, inventive, interesting and yet limited mind. Our encouragement is to know that all these things go on simultaneously. As you rest in light, you're also learning. Simply by paying attention, your mind can duplicate to some extent the words that we might say, but your mind cannot duplicate the sensation of pure light pulsating through you.

Your imagination can approximate, but it cannot initiate. To not initiate means it can interpret, augment, but the pure inspiration that you feel when all of a sudden you know something you didn't know a moment before, you sense something that was not there previously, you feel a presence, you feel a cloak descending upon you. You feel the sensation of light touching the back of your head. Your mind can’t do that. It can take it, and run with it, and turn it into a story-give it words that we didn't say, giveit interpretations that fit an ideological perspective. The initiation of light, the inspiration, as we said, needs to pass through the mechanisms of your vehicle. When you recognize in your discernment the subtle differences among the various energetic impulses that come to you, then you become wise, then you become useful, then you become a teacher of others who are beginning the process that you are walking through.

It is a hard thing sometimes to say that you don't know. it is harder yet for some of you to wait until clarity arrives. The anxiety of, so to speak, hanging out in the “not knowing” gives an opening for the mind's interpretations, gives an opening for the imaginal explanations. For what is essentially a mystery. Be comfortable in the mystery. Know that whatever you come to understand, whatever knowledge you may gain, you are still in the mystery. Because reality is layer upon layer upon layer. Each one intersecting, each one affecting the other, and yet, as we would say, underneath the underneath the underneath and even more underneath, there is a place that has no words, that has no explanation, that you can not grasp with the mechanisms that you have been given. So our advice is to be comfortable in the “not knowing”. Rejoice in the “not knowing”, because when you are in the “not knowing,” you are actually in reality. You can still act. You can still speak. You can still inquire. You can still heal. You can still grow and you can rest in the light.

Be careful of those including your ownmind that would give easy answers to mysterious questions. Certainly you will not be famous for saying I don't know, but you will be truthful. And if your commitment is to truth, because the sensation of truth links you to those layers, to that place underneath the underneath the underneath; if your commitment is to compassion, because compassion opens the space for you to be a useful instrument of healing and protects you; if your commitment is to the augmentation promotion and following of faith, because faith links you to the universal force that allows you to act in the knowledge “not knowing,” then you have learned well here. Then you can, will be called to become a teacher in your own place, in your own way, in your own nest. And if you allow us to come closer, if you recognize our presence, by the subtle changes in how you recognize yourself, then you will be joining a great flock of those committed to the same thing, of those, so to speak, flying in the same direction and the same wind.

Do not allow the illusion, the lie that you are alone to stop you ever again. We ask this of you in the name and with the presence of that One who is not a one who has taught through all these centuries this essential truth that you are learning here. Light is real. Forgiveness is real. These forces are real. You are real. Be at peace; rest in light. Create a space in your life to rest in light. Your work will be there, so to speak, when you get back to it.

So we ask all this in the name of that One who expressesas many. And we promise that when you recognize and call us, we shall be with you. We will be with you, because you have been initiated into the legion of light by your sincere prayers, by your availability, by your tears, by your laughter, by your confusions, by your questions and finally by your affirmation of faith. May you be blessed now with the peace of Christ in your hearts. May you carry that peace with you. May it come to you with a breath and a thought at any moment for the rest of all your lives. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality


Securing the Space of the Heart