Securing the Space of the Heart

Securing the Space of the Heart

Light upon you, Light within you. Light bringing your hearts into a common vibrational relationship. You know that this circle, that you create by your sincere effort, by your willingness to put your concerns aside, and step into the space of your heart—you know that this is not just for you. We gather what is created by your common heart vibrational relationship. We gather that form that is formed by that and take it, so to speak, to a space where all of the circles on earth joining together similarly withmany different excuses, many different rationales, many different words, many different languages, many different alleged purposes, all of those circles. What is created by that circle, each circle, is then taken into a common place and made into, so to speak, a great circle that then becomes a reflector to encourage thoughts of unity, thoughts of peace, thoughts that reflect that which you are creating here: common purpose, forgiveness. In this way, your efforts go much beyond you.

Do not think, do not allow, those other thoughts that would negate the worth of what you are doing here. Of course, you don’t see,in a way that you are used to, the result—except you do see it in your own life. But some of you look for evidence that what you are doing is, so to speak, “changing things” as you would say.

Securing the heart on earth is not something that shows in a way that you are used to, but securing the heart on earth is one of the keys, one of the essential necessities to allow the formation of greater circles, and that, eventually, will show in ways you can recognize. For now, know that your efforts are worth a great deal as are the efforts of so many in so many places including places which are not of this earth.

Securing the space of the heart requires attention, requires effort, requires determination, requires practice and requires, as always, choice. Your world is full of temptations of many types. We do not mean to imply that pleasure, fun, is necessarily a temptation. The temptations are to pull youaway from your heart, pull you into the thoughts of despair, of isolation, of disunity, of greed—all of these are based in fear.

Choosing to firm yourself in faith, choosing to practice, embody, firm, become identified with what we have called your tactics will give you the space already created so when the temptation comes, so to speak, a bell rings that reminds you to activate what you have been given here, to join consciously in these circles of the heart. To be able to stand in the wind and not be, so to speak, blown away. You cannot avoid the wind, but you can choose to face it-grounded, centered in your heart,. becoming a pillar of light. Even as the winds are internal, do not think, do not believe that the Saints, as you would call them, the great ones, the illuminated ones, walk with impunity. They too were buffeted by the wind; sometimes more because, as we know, strong light attracts strong challenges. The route like yours is/was their faith and their love that comes to the space that compassion, and faith, and forgiveness create in your heart. If you wish to know this great love as has been said, your job extra practice creating a structure inside yourself that is resonate with that love.

May you be blessed now, and as you leave this nest and build your own, with the eternal peace of Christ in your hearts. May your identity come to be with that peace with that light. May you know yourself underneath all the expressions of human variation as part of, joined with the One Great Heart.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Rest in the Light, in the Mystery


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