How do You Know?

How do You Know?

With a breath, you find your circle. With another breath you find your heart. This is how you know, so to speak, the progress that you’ve made. As we counseled yesterday to invoke memory, invoke the memory of your time those months ago when you sat in thiscircle. How much more easily? How much more quickly? How much more instinctively those invocations happen now?

Time, of course, is relative, but time is useful as a reference. We would ask you a question-as you are preparing in these next days to so to speak to leave the nest to build your own, how do you recognize the arrival of those that you would ask to guide you? How do you know? How do you recognize that something has shifted, as you would say, that something has revealed itself to you? What is the way that you know?

As we were arriving today, this one described it inside himself as it felt like a blanket of starlight descending upon him, a mantle, a vibration being placed upon his shoulders, his head. What is your way? Here’s a clue: mostly when we arrive we don't announce ourselves with a text or a voice. Why is that? It is because we don’t wish to augment your already distorted relationship with your cognitive senses. Because we are here to work through you, and with you, but we are also here for you, for your own development. It is one of the bases of this work of this particular offering to those in bodies-that the development of the medium, as you have been taught, is as important as the help that comes to others through you. Your own health, your own development, your own, so to speak, progress is as important to us as it is to you. That is why when we encourage you to make your prayer, it always includes your own personal, so to speak, prayer.

Don't forget as you go forward that as you take care of the children of God you are among us. The conversation that some of you had yesterday speaking about the reality of enough for all includes you. You do not deny another by receiving your portion. In fact, you help the other by showing how it's done as you would say. It is a mistake, a miscalculation of reality to think that you must be denied for others to thrive. And conversely, that others must be denied for you to thrive. If the basis of what we have taught, and of what you have invoked, and of what you have learned, and of what you will do, is the heart, and you know from those moments, like now when your heart is expanded and open and vibrating, that the heart has no limits. And that is the reality that you choose to affirm, then you entered, so to speak, a paradigm of infinite possibility.

As you can see, as you can feel, as you can tell, we are giving you your walking papers, as you would say, your instructions, the blessing for your going forth. However, as you go forth and bring with you, as we said yesterday, the memory of this space, the opportunity to return when the opportunity presents itself, and you take with you-Us. So we return to the original question, how do you know? Recognize the presence of those that you will take with you as your guides? How do you recognize our presence? The good news is that presence will grow, that presents will evolve, that presents will become stronger as you exercise so to speak the muscle of our interaction. What is that muscle of our interaction? It is the muscle of faith. Strengthen your faith by the evidence of what happens when you augment the relationship with those who you would choose to guide you.

As you have been told, that relationship will not make the problems that you face in your life not exist; they will make them, as you would say, workable. They will turn them into opportunities for growth, opportunities for healing, opportunities for learning. We cannot nor would we choose to eliminate all the pain that you will ever face. It is not our right. But as you choose to augment, strengthen your relationship with those who you choose to guide you, you are never alone. You are never without counsel. You are never without strength. Strengthen your faith. Strengthen the vibration of compassion in you. Contemplate the possibility of surrender into the mystery of that relationship which is, afterall, a relationship with your own inner light.

You are blessed with a peace of Christ in your hearts at this moment, are you not? It is that which we wish for you. It is that which we will, so to speak, provoke in you as you wish. We leave you now in your laboratory of learning.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Securing the Space of the Heart


The Miracle of Memory