The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill
2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute 2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill

Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did.

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Mediumship is Relationship
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

Mediumship is Relationship

What you call mediumship, we call relationship. What to you is strange, intriguing, we call reality. If we say to you that the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the Earth are contained in you vibrationally, would you not agree with that statement?

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What is Real?
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

What is Real?

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ to heal you. Light of Christ to awaken your memory through the vibration. This is because this vibration, this light has, so to speak, followed you through all your lives, tracked you, brought you here to receive its full measure, waiting upon you to finish the business of this life and others to arrive at this very moment, this moment now. What a journey you have had. The parts you remember consciously and the parts you remember vibrationally.

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Rest in the Light, in the Mystery
GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute

Rest in the Light, in the Mystery

Light upon you, Light within you -feel yourself resting in light, resting. Is it possible, is it possible that we are with you all the time? That that way that you interpret yourself -that you are a little different than you used to be, something's different, something feels a little different, is the presence of your guides?

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Your Relationship to the Mystery
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Your Relationship to the Mystery

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you, leading you through the mystery, to the mystery, from the mystery, returning, to the mystery. A mystery means something that is undiscovered and yet exists. From a certain point of view human existence is simply a mystery.

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