Your Relationship to the Mystery

Your Relationship to the Mystery

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you, leading you through the mystery, to the mystery, from the mystery, returning, to the mystery. A mystery means something that is undiscovered and yet exists. From a certain point of view human existence is simply a mystery. You are discovering, experientially, the layers of reality. Of course that reality exists. It is a mystery because you don’t understand it. To be comfortable with the mysteriousness of your life, the mysteriousness of your planet, the mysteriousness of your inner self, is a very good thing to cultivate.

To allow yourself to be frightened of what you don’t know, mistrustful of those who would guide you through it, fearful of what may be around the next corner, so to speak, keeps you paralyzed, keeps you frozen in the doorway, afraid to go forward, afraid to go backwards.

This one has taught you many things. Most of them we agree with. The most important thing though that has happened here is that you have become comfortable, intrigued by, interested in, and willing to proceed with your investigation of the mystery. We are, in fact, fellow explorers, fellow detectives, as you would say, in exploring the lands of the mystery.

We see further ahead than you do. We have the advantage, but also the disadvantage, of not possessing the same type of vehicle that you inhabit. The advantages? We do not have to account for matter in our contemplations. Our eyes are other. The disadvantage? There are things that you know, as you pay attention, things that the subtlety of matter can impart, that we in fact, learn from you. Understand the collaborative nature of this relationship. It is not one way. It is many ways. So the invitation is, to walk with us, fly with us, even crawl with us, paying attention to what is revealed in the investigative process of the mystery.

You all, and each of you, are good students. It is that curiosity and the refusal to allow fear to keep you stuck in the doorway. And the willingness to progressively pay more attention, more alert attention, that makes you a good student. As this one has taught, the school room is, temporarily, the vehicle you inhabit. Your curriculum is built into the layers of your blessed vehicle. How you filter the mystery, what aspects of the infinite mystery are yours to apprehend, depends on that blessed vehicle’s ability to be a clear receptacle for the information that comes from the mystery to you.

We invite you now to take another step in your prayerful relationship to the mystery, to trust those of us who can speak through your intuition, who can join you heart to heart. We have hearts. Choose to trust more deeply. Choose to follow more finely. Choose to let go of some of the weight of your worldly concerns, worldly habits. Not because there’s anything wrong with them, but because they keep you stuck in the doorway.

So we leave you now to your meditations, to your considerations. May you be blessed now, and as you walk through the paths of your discovery with the peace of the Christ Light in your hearts. Because that is where we join most finely, most deeply, most truly, in the peace of that blessed one, and that blessed vibration. How can it not be? How could it not be in the benefit of all to join and cultivate this vibration? How could it possibly be anything but a benefit to all? Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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