Rearranging Your Spiritual Toolbox

Rearranging Your Spiritual Toolbox

Blessings upon you on this day. For indeed you have already received the blessing of being in your body surrounded by, living on, living through, the body of your earth. You have the blessing of nurturing that body. You have the ineffable blessing of friendship, companionship. All of these are the conditions for you to make use of, the tools that you have been given, to make of your life that which you choose, and that which you, now, understand you are guided to make best use of through the main tool you have been given, of course, which is your heart.

You have many external tools that you employ. Is that not true? You have your devices, your conveyances, even your words. All these are instruments, are tools, to do what you seek to do. All of them are best, as we have said and will say again, best used, best employed, when the master builder of the heart is put in charge of those tools.

The tool we wish to speak about now, is the tool of your mind. How many would you estimate, thoughts do you have? Thoughts spinning. Thoughts that come from where? Thoughts come from many sources. Some of them are generated from within your own gift of your body. Many of them are generated from other gifts of other bodies. Many of them are generated by and through your devices. You are all subject, and you live in your communities, your large nests, to the collective thoughts, to opinions disguised as truths.

How will you know which of those many, many thoughts that you have in you are to be believed? Are you not in a moment where the question of what is true, is being examined? How will you know? Of course, we have been together for long enough, you know the answer we are going to give. It is in the vibration of your heart that truth is assessed. We advise that what matches, reinforces, augments, the vibration of your heart, be believed, be accepted. What does not do those things, does not reinforce, augment, strengthen, harmonize, with the vibration of your precious heart, that those thoughts be allowed their exit, the wires that tie them to you be cut with the other tool of your choice. Your will applied through your choice. This requires vigilance, awareness, presence, as you would say, and yet how much time do you spend on the observation of your devices, employing those tools that you have, externally, separate a portion of that time to use those tools internally, sorting out, so to speak, your thoughts, clearing the space for the tool of your mind to be clear, clean in its employment of the tool of thought.

Nothing, as we are teaching, is to be rejected, or cut out. All the tools we have have been given for a purpose. The purpose is to make use of them. How you do that, that is what we are encouraging you to examine more finely.

Breathe now. Make use of that tool of conscious breathing. Through your breath join that space you know where so many thoughts live, obscuring, swirling about your third eye, reach down from there, reach up from your heart, join those centers, through your awareness, through your breath, and then return always to your grounding. Rest. Observe how many of your thoughts dissipate.

So now your tool box, so to speak, has been rearranged, put in a more useful order. You will note that we have not added or subtracted anything. We have simply encouraged an awareness of a particular arrangement of that which you already have. Make this day, if you choose, one where this tool box is employed in this arrangement. Experiment.

We honor you. We honor you. May you know yourself through the employment of these tools as that Light that you invoke. May you come to be unable to distinguish between your own self and that Light, for that is the truth, that the heart will allow you to understand, experience, feel, transmit, and live by. As you say, Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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