Creating Your Vision

Creating Your Vision

Blessings on each of your beautiful hearts. Blessings upon your collective heart that manifests when each of your hearts comes together with the others. What do you wish for today? What thought do you wish to put into this space held by your collective heart? In particular, what do you wish for each other? What do you wish for the ones, who like you, have dedicated themselves to finding and following, truthfully, the impulses of their heart? What do you wish for them? What do you wish for the ones in your life, like you, dedicated to harmony, to peace, to the good of all? What do you wish for the ones beyond your circle, also dedicating to them, themselves, to what you recognize as goodness? And what do you wish for the ones beyond your circle who would seem to be dedicating themselves to something that you recognize as something else?

There are two main levels to the influence of thought. One is what you are doing now. What do you emit into this space and into the world, you as an individual, as a discrete expression of divine creation? The other is the collective gathering of thought that turns into collective vision, that turns into collective prayer, whatever name it may be given, and creates the ambiance, creates the space, creates the conditions, within which all exist.

There is an effort being made, always, to influence that collective thought, to plant a vision for the benefit of someone that can then be held collectively and turned into collective reality. When the base of that collective thought is the heart, the unified heart, such as you are creating here, such as you are creating in your other nests, then that collective thought, that image, that vision, will be, by definition, for the benefit of all, in the highest good of all because its influencer, its informer, its securer, its holder, is the heart. We do not propose this as a religious or ideological supposition. We propose it for your contemplation as an energetic, spiritual, truth. So as you feel your collective heart, even beating more in harmony, in all its parts, even as you experience the space of that heart blossoming and growing, even in this moment, under the influence of what we have called the peace of Christ.

What is your vision for this day? What is your vision for this work you are doing here? What do you wish for? What do you see? We do not plant the vision. We plant the possibility. We create the atmosphere in collaboration with you so that your wishes can manifest inside you and be projected outward into your world. The vision is yours. The thought comes from the collaboration in you among all of your aspects, those which are most connected to the earth, to your life here, those which are connected to your eternal self, meeting in the space of your heart, generating an atmosphere within which a collective vision can be seeded from the desires of that collaborative self. So what do you want in this laboratory of collective heart, in this laboratory of collective thought? What do you want? What do you see? What do you choose within this space of total possibility?

If at this moment your normal way of thinking is, as you would say, blank, then you are starting to get what we are teaching. True vision comes out of the space of that collaboration among the aspects of your many level, many tiered, many dimensional[ed] self. There is no inner competition when the heart is in charge.

Light of Christ be upon you. Light of Christ be with you. Light of Christ, in this moment and all moments, be vibrating all of your aspects, bringing them into harmony with that universal wish, that universal prayer. We leave you now in this peace to do your work. And as we say, we don’t really leave you, ever. We step aside, hold you gently in your most beautiful contemplations of that which you truly wish.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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