Mediumship is Relationship

Mediumship is Relationship

What you call mediumship, we call relationship. What to you is strange, intriguing, we call reality. If we say to you that the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the Earth are contained in you vibrationally, would you not agree with that statement? Would you not agree that the particles that even now are vibrating in your bodies including your awareness, your consciousness which is aware of that vibration and naming it as vibration, would you not agree that all of that is also part of everything?

And yet, when you have a visitation of something which seems to be beyond you, when you witness as you are now a joining of consciousness to consciousness, an expansion of consciousness, you name it as strange, you name it as fascinating, you name it as intriguing-you name it. We call that relationship. We call that reality.

It is by the mental creation, by the mental barriers that you have made in your world that have sought to define yourself as separate, unique, individual, it is by that covering of thought that you have made a barrier to the flow of vibration from one form to another. And as you know, it is hard work to soften that barrier. Because the belief in your uniqueness -unique in your beauty, unique in your pain, unique in your suffering, uniquein your intelligence, is that belief that fills in your mental body in the effort to create that experience of separateness.

And that rubbery substance of thought, makes what we see is an artificial barrier to the smooth communication that we would seekto impart to you. Because underneath that barrier of thought, there is a deeper prayer, is there not? A prayer to know yourself beyond yourself. A prayer that the experience of aloneness that can also turn into loneliness engendered by that thick barrier be alleviated, that you know that you are not alone, that you know that you are part of, a beloved part of something greater, that that intuitive sense that, as you would say, this is not all there is, can be fulfilled, can be realized, can be seen, felt, known to be the truth of who you are.

So we designate this day for the discussion of what you call mediumship, what we call reality, what we call relationship, for you to soften those thoughts, examine that barrier, renew your prayer, perhaps come to know yourself in a little different way than you have up until now. We would caution you, that the particular manifestations of that relationship which are governed by many factors which you will explore, but it is not in the manifestation that the essential relationship is experienced, it is in the vibration. It is in the softening of that barrier in the idea of uniqueness that allows communication, that allows vibrational unity, that allows the question of “who you are” to take on new nuances.

It is our goal not to put on a show, but to show you the deeper truth of who you are so that you can realize your prayers and you can be of good use in helping others to soften their own thought barriers. Is it not true the disease of loneliness, the disease of separation leads to many of the problems that you see, and identify, and pray about, and seek to mitigate, is it not true? And so there are many suggested solutions in your world for this illness condition. Our small offering is to help soften the barrier, the energetic capsule around each of you. Of course we have taught you and will continue to teach what have been called the tactics to establish a structure so that softening, that release of some of the tension of individuality can be tolerated and allow something new.

We would counsel you not to worry, not be concerned with the names of those you call your guides. We do not have names. We have vibratory signatures. The names are a convenience for you. It is through the vibratory signature that you recognize who you are by knowing who we are. And that is the goal.

You are blessed as we are, as all beings are with the peace of Christ in your hearts. And so we have named the particles that exist in you-the Sun, the moon, the stars, the water, the wind. And now we name that which is essential to you and to all beings -the peace of Christ, the peace of the one light, the peace of the universal unity that all beings, all creatures all share. And that is why we say, what you call mediumship, we call relationship. You are joining vibration to vibration. and yes there are variations on the theme, many variations on the theme, infinite variations on the same vibratory theme, and yes investigation of that, the knowledge of that, the seeking of that, the understanding of that is most entertaining and most useful in the transmission of light to those in need; yes, and the essential peace of Christ in your hearts is what we seek to augment and share with you. And that is the relationship at the heart, so to speak, of allthe teachings. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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