Creating a Space for Your Relationship to Light

Creating a Space for Your Relationship to Light

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to guide you. Light in this moment to comfort you. Light to give you a perspective -wider, broader. Light to bring you peace, to calm that which perturbs you, to calm that which would agitate you. Light is what you would call multi-purpose, multi-use.

We would speak about another aspect of what you have called mediumship, to remind you-we call “relationship”, and it is related to what we have already said, when we invoke the many qualities of light, we are speaking to that blessed relationship. You have been given the perceptive mechanisms that will allow you when they are refined to discern among these various qualities and then to use your cognitive faculties to name them. So when we say the wordpeace, there is an experience that you have had, we would hope and pray that at this moment you are having, of a state of being. And then collectively we can give a name and call it peace. And that word implies other things, many things. It implies an absence of conflict. It implies the presence of a call.

We would counsel that a very important and useful application of your mediumistic talents is to cultivate that discernment. The finely-tuned meter inside your heart that can recognize the subtleties ofvibrational variation. Peace is only one among the many slight variations on the theme of the One Light. There are others you know and some you will learn to recognize. You are cultivating the space of compassion in your heart center, are you not?

You have been taught and will be reviewed, the pre-prepared space for forgiveness to come. What is the difference between compassion and forgiveness? It is the difference between the shades of red. It is the difference between the variation in the color of gold. It is the difference between a note and a half note. When the power of mercy arrives at a moment of distress, if you recognize it by its shading, you can become the shepherd of mercy. It is how the great ones do their work. The miraculous states of beingthey can engender are because they link themselves and recognize the presence of these divine forces; and therefore, they can be the shepherds. The Great ones, as you also will develop, have the ability; the responsibility; even the power to call them to bear upon a person, a space, a situation, even upon a world; and to demonstrate the reception of those Divine Forces into the blessed vehicle in which you inhabit. You will learn, if you choose, to recognize them as you are learning to recognize us.

We repeat: we are introducing you, reminding you of another aspect of your mediumistic gift. So now be in your space of meditation, your space of interior quiet. Open your availability, the space of availability in your heart, in your central Channel, and your, as this one has said, your chimney. Activate your discernment with a thought. Ask the question in your heart -what is this? And resist the temptation to apply a name before the name appears. We repeat and repeat again and we'll repeat as long as you listen to us-it is through vibration that true knowledge is given. It is through the shift in vibration that healing is accomplished.

So now listen, feel, sense, intuit the arrival of the Divine force that comes at this moment. Now pay attention to the vibration shifts, and as it shifts again, and now once more. May you be blessed. May you be blessed. We will ask one more of you. We ask so much, do we not? And make sure that you create a space for this discernment in the same way that you make a space for any other learning that you do. In the same way that you practice your exercises, your yoga, your meditation, your work, in the same way as you clean your body, in the same way as you clean your house, in the same way as you pay attention to those you love and who love you, make a space for this relationship, what you call mediumship, what we call the blessed Unity.

Make a space to sit and discern, cultivate your discernment of the fine variations in vibration. Listen to a progression of musical notes, duplicate them with your voice. When you go walking in nature as your springtime approaches, listen to the birds. Duplicate the sound inside you. Listen to the river, duplicate the sound inside you. Listen to the vibration of light. Listen to the vibration of light that surrounds your head, that surrounds you, that is permeating you. Listen to the vibration of light. Beware of the distractions that would seek to fill your awareness with dull, lower vibration. Choose to make a space for the development of your new relationship with light, the beings who ride on the light, and the forces that are the variations within the light. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

The Willing Heart


Mediumship is Relationship