The Willing Heart

The Willing Heart

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ arriving here as you open your hearts and recreate the container, the vessel, the unified heart. As you can feel sitting in your Sacred Circle, you carry within you a memory, a vibrational memory. All memory is, infact, vibrational. As is, of course, everything else. In this moment, that memory of the caring you have for each other; the safety you've created here in this space; the love that you bear for each other, from each other, to each other, with each other is, so to speak, the substance of the vessel.

It is our plan, if you agree, that your hearts expand even further-both inward into your depth, and outward to embrace even more fully the possibilities of your life, your work, your health. We ask that as always you give us your attention, your willingness. And we have no doubt that you have brought that with you-the willingness to be taught, the willingness to be healed, the willingness to be vessels, even, as you would say, servants of this Light is what creates the vibrational resonance that allows us to impart those things to you.

Willingness is an invitation. Willingness is the opening of your hands, your arms to whatever can be because you are open to whatever it is. Make use of this time. The time youhave is not infinite, but it is ample. You have created in the center of your circle an altar, have you not? That altar is, so to speak, the pulsing heart that distributes the light to each of your smaller hearts. The devotion with which you create your altar gives you the vibrational resonance with what you have come to call the Christ Light. And that Light gathers and emanates to, as we have said, the willing heart.

We urge you again, as always, pay attention to vibrational shifts. Pay attention to the way that you are being taught. Bring your questions. Bring your inquiries. Bring your confusions. Bring your truth. Don't hold back. Don’t be shy. And don’t think that there is anything that you are experiencing that won’t be received with compassion. And yet pay attention to the even more subtle layers, to the way that you are, even now, being infused with this light, opening the places in you that have yet to be exposed to it. It is on the inner planes, it is in the inter-intimacies of the pockets of vibration in your blessed vehicle, that the deeper teaching happens. It is as if you carry within you many small books that have been kept, so to speak, on the shelf for many lifetimes and they are now being pulled off and opened to impart their wisdom from the inside to your awareness. Each book is a volume in the collected experience of your many lives awaiting this willingness, awaiting this awareness, awaiting this moment.

Be careful to not expect the teachings to come in what you would call the cognitive method. They come through the intuition that you have so firmly, clearly developed in yourself. We congratulate you. We praise you. We welcome you. May you be now and have been, whether you have been aware of it or not, be blessed with the peace of the Christ Light in your hearts. This is that space. This is the space of compassionate Christ Light. Make good use. Welcome. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Seek to Reflect the Beauty That Already Is


Creating a Space for Your Relationship to Light