Seek to Reflect the Beauty That Already Is

Seek to Reflect the Beauty That Already Is

As you sit here awaiting the message, we would direct you to the fact that you already are receiving the message. The message comes with the light, but the message is the light. And that which the light stimulates in you -the feelings, the thoughts, the inspirations, the realizations, the epiphanies, the humility -all of these are the message that the light engenders.

We say again what has been said many times: we’re not inventing anything; we are not creating anything; we are, together in this light, revealing what is. Do you know that it is through your wounds that you gain wisdom? It is not possible, nor is it desirable, except in the shortest run, to pass through earth life with no wounds, with, as this one would say, no dents to your vehicle. The wounds, the dents make you stop, examine. Some of you have been literally stopped, as you would say, in your tracks. And we congratulate you that each of you has taken advantage of the necessity, the imposition of that stop, of that slowing down to gain the wisdom available in the transformation of a wound into a guide.

You have created, and we say it is strange to us, images of alleged perfection that you then compare yourself to always negatively. You fall short of the idea of perfection that you have created when, in fact, it is not perfect. None of those images are perfect. They are smooth, but where are the dents? Where are the wounds that create wisdom, that create true beauty? All of your stories are built around those images of perfection-falling short of them, succeeding to realize them.

Our recent counsel that we bring here also is-let go of your stories. We do not mean by this that you should not seek beauty, but seek to reflect the beauty that already is. The beauty of nature, and of your heart, the beauty of your love. Would you rather have perfectly smooth skin or would you rather have the Light of Christ shiny from your eyes? We would counsel you that it is in, again, turning inward to find the beauty, the wisdom that you already have gained, that you become available to the true teaching that we bring which is the message of the Light. Which, as we have said, is both the medium of the message and the message itself.

It is in your availability, through the admittedly hard work of self examination, and the not-so-hard work of breathing, that you increase your availability to that light. And naturally your inner curriculum which is already functioning, which you have been following your whole life, in spite of whatever resistance, and ideas, and images, and beliefs you have put on top of it, that curriculum is accelerated by your own availability. The teaching increases with the availability of the student. Each lesson builds upon the one before. Is that not how a good school operates?

In this moment, in this time together, you are being guided to a new understanding of what it means to be a bringer of light. We are adding to the repertoire, as you say, of your tactics. By your availability, you have given us the space to create a new lesson.If a teacher reveals too much of the material ahead of the student's ability to receive it, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the teacher is very smart but the student feels not so smart. So it is by your availability, by the work you have done, by the prayers you have made, by the tears you have shed, by the opening of your heart, by the grounding on Earth, and by the receiving of Light that you make yourself available to a new revelation. And meanwhile are you not blessed by the peace of Christ in your hearts?

So as we have said recently, we leave you now, but we do not leave you. We are behind you holding the space. We are next to you encouraging you to go deeper. We are brushing our hands lightly, so that you know that you are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. Light of Christ upon you. Pay attention. Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ around you. Light of Christ in you. Light of Christ awakening in you as your wounds heal and expand to create the container for your illumination. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Shattered Consciousness and Unity


The Willing Heart