Shattered Consciousness and Unity

Shattered Consciousness and Unity

You have been taught, have you not, to love yourself. On this day, we would give you a little expansion. Love yourselves. Since you do have many. Some of them are here with you now. Some of them I've already invited into your central house. Some of them are awaiting the invitation. Some of them are not on this plane.

You are indeed a magnificent creature. The difficulty you face though is that you have built barriers of thought, barriers of belief that have kept your selves separate from each other and therefore you have denied yourself the potential of a unified group of selves all dedicated to the same project-your life. Your life which includes the opportunity, and indeed sent you have taken the time, the effort to come to this nest, the responsibility to be a model of that integration.

It was alluded to yesterday, was it not, that we have called the condition of humanity one of shattered consciousness. You will have the opportunity on this day to call a conclave, a meeting, an assembly, a convention of yourselves to examine the program that you have employed thus and to make a conscious choice to keep your shattered consciousness as it is or to begin the interesting, and we will admit, somewhat painful process of reassembly. Because in order to call all the scattered parts back to their central home, and you know where that is, you must realize and see for some period of time, the shatteredness. You are, so to speak, the healthy ones, the normal ones, and as you see your own shatteredness, you will then develop even more compassion and understanding for those who you have classified as different from you. This will allow you even more to be beacons of compassion, beacons of understanding to resist even more fully the temptations of judgment, the temptations of condemnations, the temptations of participating in the further shattering of human consciousness through those most insidious qualities.

You are blessed here in this nest with the peace of Christ in your hearts. We have heard you wonder how to transfer this to your own nests particularly to those places where this language, this conversation would neither be welcomed or understood. That is indeed the challenge. One answer we can give you is to assemble your own parts so clearly and fully using thetactics you have been given to build a structure within you, a home where all can be welcomed, all those parts of you that you have displaced because they were too beautiful for you to even imagine they could be yours and all those parts of you that are,in your estimation, to ugly to even consider that they could be part of your assembly. By doing this, so to speak, as you would say, you create the vibrational environment for your nest.

We leave you in this peace at this moment to do your work, your most interesting work of joining together thought, Spirit, emotions, belief and physicality. Appreciate the uniqueness of your opportunity. In the struggle to bring all of those aspects together is exactly the learning of unity, and along the way, of humility. It is through the frustration and the victory that you realize your real self. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

The Universal School of Evolving Consciousness


Seek to Reflect the Beauty That Already Is