The Universal School of Evolving Consciousness

The Universal School of Evolving Consciousness

You were given the council, were you not, to do exactly as you are doing now, to firm your relationship with the light and with your guides. Exactly what you are doing now. Breathing, feeling, paying attention, being in interactive inner communion.

All those aspects of you that you have called back to your home, they are still getting used to working in harmony, still getting used to, so to speak, the idea that they are not isolated, alone, as you also are getting used to the idea, the reality, that you are more than you ever imagined yourself to be. It is, of course, quite easy to fall back on what is familiar. All creatures fall back on what is familiar. By doing what you're doing now, by being in communion, what is familiar becomes something new.

We ask you to continue this practice, however it is that it appeals to you. We have much to teach you, there is, as many of you have prayed, much for you to do, but the doing starts with this-being. And returns to this being as a place of rest, as a place of renewal, as a place to, so to speak, as you would say, check in. How will you know? How will you know? How will you know that what you are doing is in alignment with your prayer to be of good use? How will you know that the many voices, the many influences,the many temptations that are, so to speak, flying around looking for a place to perch, how will you know which one serve you, and serve that plan, serve that light that you have chosen as your master, as your mistress, as your way? How will you know? Itis, as we have said, by coming into this place of communion and getting used to this vibration of pure light, by appreciating its appreciation for you, by entering into joyful communion, and so whatever serves that, whatever enhances that, whatever increases that experience of vibratory unity in you, we would advise you to welcome and manifest.

Whatever doesn't do that, whatever creates isolation, whatever encourages you to believe once more that you are alone, separate, cursed, unloved, whatever does that and also whatever encourages you to feel better than which is simply the same thing. We would encourage you to not follow that, not manifest that, not say that, not do that. And to do that you have to have a place such as this, a space such as this, aninner schoolroom, an inner sanctuary.

It is neither our way, nor our ability to speak louder than the cacophony of so many thoughts. But we are patient and we encourage you to be patient as well. The tapestry that is woven of many fine threads of different colors takes attention, time, patience, creativity, dedication to bring it to manifestation. And your relationship with us, which is also to say your relationship with all of these myriad parts of you that are coming home, is such a tapestry. With all that we have taught you, the first lesson, was it not, was that underneath, the underneath, the underneath, in your heart is the space of humility. It is, so to speak, the base upon which all the other magnificent qualities rest. You have had the opportunity, each of you, to augment your humility in these days, have you not-each one-no exceptions. We celebrate you for your truthfulness, for your willingness to become more humble, to take the bold steps of doing what you feel to do and to examine yourself afterwards without guilt, shame, or pride. We honor you. It may surprise you to know that we also make mistakes. Consciousness is an evolving paradigm. All Beings are enrolled in the Universal School of Evolving Consciousness. Each of you, if you choose, is now an official student in that school of Universal School of Evolving Consciousness. And as we have said this, here, now is your school room as well as what you do to manifest this. Has it not been said that actually a student learns more by failure than by success if the student pays attention?

Bless you with this peace of Christ in your heart. Bless you. May you be bearers of this. May it become embedded in all of your cells. May all of yourselves that have come and are coming home join you until all is One in this peace of the Christ Light, of the Christ Being of that one true universal vibration of love.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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Shattered Consciousness and Unity