All Healing is Possible

All Healing is Possible

Through your breath, allow yourself to be guided, right now, gently, to the space of your heart. You don't have to do anything Except to be present and breathe. You will be guided inside you to the space of your heart. Because you made a prayer for that and because in this space, these forces that we have called, invoked, invited, and now receiving are answering your prayer even as we just sit here apparently doing nothing.

You can, if you wish, make the process complicated. It is always an option. Conversely you can, if you wish, relax and allow the mysterious process of natural flow from state-to-state from vibrational state to vibrational state to occur. You are the participant observer.

And as your awareness arrives at the centrality of your heart, feel, observe what happens in your whole energetic configuration. Be the participant observer of your own blooming. Observe as the vibration of the heart makes its way gently into the corners of your vehicle, of your field, of your egg of energy as it nudges against the places of contraction.

All you're doing is breathing, paying attention, and saying “yes.”

Now focus your awareness at the very center of the flower of your heart. Focus your breath, focus your awareness at that place, the center, the flowerof your Heart Center. And as you do, feel the quality, the nuance of vibrational awareness that comes to you, the simplicity, the quietness.

This is the place that so many have spoken about, so many have sought. And here you are, the place of oneness, the place that you share, the vibrational space you share with all creation. Underneath, the underneath, the underneath. Go deeper through your breath. Find within this place an even deeper place of total stillness. Allow yourself to be taken in your awareness to that place underneath, the underneath, the underneath.

Now from this place, bring your awareness to the vibrational center of your vehicle, of your body, of your bodies. The gently opening pillar of vibrational light at the very center of your being of this blessed vehicle that you have been entrusted with, that you have cared for, and that now becomes the vessel for light. Breathe from Earth to Heaven. Gentle. No agenda other than to breathe. To be present in your awareness.

We call this space, wecall this state that you are in now, centered in your heart, vibrating, entering into contact with the universal forces of underlying vibratory reality, we call this space the peace of Christ in your heart. You may call it what comes to you, but know thatit is your true birthright and that all you will learn here and subsequently is to serve you being able to access this. As you will, when you will, as you choose. Because it is from this place that all healing is possible, all clarity is possible, all realization is possible. So we say to you, and will say at other times, may you be blessed now and forever with this peace in your heart. May you know yourself as this peace. May all who come into contact with you in some way feel the emmenation of this peace from you and that be your gift to all those who do come to you for healing in awareness or not.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill


The Universal School of Evolving Consciousness