The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill
2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute 2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill

Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did.

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All Healing is Possible
2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute 2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute

All Healing is Possible

Through your breath, allow yourself to be guided, right now, gently, to the space of your heart. You don't have to do anything Except to be present and breathe. You will be guided inside you to the space of your heart. Because you made a prayer for that and because in this space, these forces that we have called, invoked, invited, and now receiving are answering your prayer even as we just sit here apparently doing nothing.

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