The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill

Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did. You were following your intuition, following what your heart called you to do. And then having the adventure that that choice to follow your intuition and follow your heart brought to you. And sometimes that adventure brought you to tears. Sometimes that adventure brought you to pouting for a while. But it also brought you friends, new knowledge.

But as we said, this is also a university, because you are learning to consciously invoke, embody that long remembered place in you of your intuitive heart. You are learning the skill, the advanced skill of choosing consciouslythat which you choose, that which you wish to embody, and therefore, through which portal in your blessed vehicle you choose to live your life. The world, so to speak, is a neutral place awaiting your interpretation of it as to what your life in it will be. You have an expression in your world-“where you are coming from.” That expression is most meaningful in this context, because where you are coming from in your blessed vehicle, that which you put in front, that which you choose as your reference place,will determine literally, not metaphorically as this one would say, what your life will be. Because the world will reflect back to you that which you filter through your appointed place of reference.

You are learning that skill, that art, that advanced ability to choose to employ the blessed gift of choice as to where you come from, where you come through and therefore, what the world is to you. Your energy centers both emit energy and attract energy. They are emitters, and they are magnets. And the world, your planet, and the vibrations of it have been given to you for your life and also for your healing. And so you will also attract to you that which will provoke the transformation that will bring you into harmony with your planet, with the world, withnature. We ask you to frame all healing in this context.

All sub-systems seek to be in harmony with the greater system, are designed to move toward that harmony. And so all that you suffer with, all of what you interpret as pain and suffering, as illness has been attracted to you for you to enter into harmonious vibrational relationship with the greater harmony that exists that binds all creation in one harmonious unit. As you learn this skill, this is art of choosing the heart, if that is your choice, you then also enter into harmonious vibrational relationship with creation on other levels that you would call the spiritual realms. All of your ceremonies, all of your meditations, all of your teachings, all of your circles ideally have that one purpose to teach the ones who come to them and to create the experience of entering into that harmonious relationship.

We say this so you can contemplate it and take it with you into your, as we would say, nests. To ask yourself the question “what do I want to bring here to this nest? What do I want to emit into this nest? What do I want to create as the ambiance, the vibrational space of this nest?” And then in your choice as to where you come from in you, you will embark on that most interesting project of transforming that nest according to that emmination. And the miracle of the heart is that you will know how to do it by the activation of your intuition which goes along with the activation of your heart center. And so the question of “what to do,” always a question for humans, will be answered just as it’s answered for the child on the playground to go swing on the swings, go give your friend a hug, go sit quietly and watch, see what happens.

So welcome to your course of kindergarten university. We welcome you to this circle of students of the art of vibrational reality. May you be blessed now and may know it with the Peace of Christ in your hearts. May that peace be the gift you take with you. And may you remember, by a breath, by the centering in your heart, by the receiving of light that that peace is an eternal gift offered to all who enter into that harmony, because that peace is that harmony. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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