The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill
2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute 2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill

Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did.

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The Willing Heart
GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute

The Willing Heart

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ arriving here as you open your hearts and recreate the container, the vessel, the unified heart. As you can feel sitting in your Sacred Circle, you carry within you a memory, a vibrational memory. All memory is, infact, vibrational. As is, of course, everything else.

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Partner in the Mission
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

Partner in the Mission

Light upon you. Light Within you. Light surrounding you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to show you the way. Can you feel now the fullness of your nest? Can you feel how the nest itself rejoices when all the birds have come back to be in it?

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The Art of Discernment
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

The Art of Discernment

Greetings to you on this most auspicious day, auspicious because you are here, auspicious because the flock has re-gathered. Each of you bringing material, so to speak, sticks, leaves, from your own nest to bring to form this larger nest.

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