Transmutation of Matter

Transmutation of Matter

Light upon you. Light upon, Light Within. In this moment, light to remind you call up memory in your bodies. The memory of what happens when you come together to reform the nest. It is even this we would leave you with just as we began with this. What happens when you join heart to heart to heart? What happens that is beyond each of you-beyond you individually, of course, but even beyond you collectively? What can happen when hearts join together is the essence of the mystery, the relationship between matter and spirit, between that which you are in your bodies in your blessed life and that which you also are.

As we have said from the beginning of our blessed time together, it is in the vibration, it is in the accessing, the remembering, and the maturing into being able to call this light to you and to those who come to you that are true teaching lies. You have plenty of concepts in your world certainly, and in your minds, so many ideas, so many partial explanations. All of the explanations put together to form one still do not give an explanation for this that you are remembering in this moment.

We understand that many of you have gone through, are going through, will go through difficult adjustments, challenges, challenges to your faith, challenges to what you know to be true when you come together in this space. We would not seek to tell you that they are meaningless. We would seek to give you the strength and the tools and the comfort to go through them. Each one is a transformation. Each one is the transforming of some material into something more useful. As you bring your troubles to your heart, they become fuel for helping others who go through what you are and even more difficult.

The transmutation of matter including emotional matter, including karmic matter into spirit, into light, into useful, demonstrable faith-that is what we seek to teach you, that is what we seek to stimulate in you because it already is there. That process exists in each of you. We seek to help you be more aware of it, be more clear about it, make it more useful and become examples of it.

May you be blessed now, right now in this very moment with the Peace of Christ in your hearts. May in these days together you come to firm, clarify, call, embody, share, call up, call in,call forth that peace. As we have said in this moment, we step back and allow you to do your work putting into practice that which you have remembered here. We do not leave you even though sometimes it does appear that way. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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