Join with Light

Join with Light

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light expanding you. Light vibrating you. In other paths in other lines, as you would say, this light has other names. As we have said many times, it doesn’t matter what you call it, but call it. Prana, Chi, other names not known in this one's dictionary, Universal light glowing wherever there is life, creating that life, augmenting that life, illuminating that life, calling that life into its fullest expression. Creating that life by renewal. Creating that life by instigating movement. All that you have all that you are is simply various expressions of the vibration of light slightly changed pending on the necessity of the structure to be illuminated.

Light rides to you on your breath. All we are counseling, all we are teaching is to become consciously, intimately, truthfully engaged with that light, that Prana, that Chi, that vibration. Your thoughts, even your thoughts, are condensed focused light. Of course, if you condense something and you hold it, it becomes stagnant. When you dwell on your thoughts, when you, so to speak, use the light of your Consciousness to chew on your thoughts, those thoughts become stagnant. Those thoughts become so dense that they weigh upon you. Perhaps you can link throughyour breath through your awareness through your choice with the more flowing aspects of the more flowing expressions of that Universal light.

When light flows through you freely you experience it as pleasant. When light can be focused through your handsthrough your heart through your third eye you call it healing. What would you do, what would your life be like if you forget when you leave here and you no longer engage intimately with light? You will still be alive, but will you be happy? To lose your connection with light, which will be your choice, would not, so to speak, be the most pleasant way to spend the rest of your blessed time on this planet. So in this space, in these days, in this circle you are firming, forging, getting used to and remembering this link with this life, this light, this Prana, this Chi, this Universal Christ energy.

This one has taught and will teach again, until his time is done, that calling this light is the responsibility, the right, and when it becomes so intimate, the urgency to call the light. It is what you can do for yourself. It is what you can do for your family. It is what you can do for the people who come to you in whatever context for help. The focused beam of light coming through the third eye guided by the heart grounded in the reality of your planet. This is the force of creation.

There are those focusing this light without the benefit of the council of the heart. What they create has form, has weight, has reality, but it doesn't have unity. It doesn't have benefits beyond their own narrow view. And because it doesn't have the counsel of the heart, it's full of imagination. It's full of ideas that do not serve the greater good. Therefore in the longest run, those things will fall. Because what holds a structure is the base upon which it is built. You are building the structure of your new life, of your health, of your work upon this three-tiered structure. So as we said yesterday you then become available to the influx of the slight variations in light of truth, beauty, forgiveness, compassion, faith, mercy and the rest. You then become a temple. Your life becomes a ceremony. Your work becomes a sanctuary. Not because you declare them such, but because you embody what you embody.

May you be blessed now as you are with the Peace of the Christ in your hearts which is another expression, a variation of the vibration of the Universal Christ. Breathe. Left alone, you will live your life as you live it. Joined with light, your life may even look the same, but it will not be the same.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Mediumship is Relationship


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