What is Real?

What is Real?

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ to heal you. Light of Christ to awaken your memory through the vibration. This is because this vibration, this light has, so to speak, followed you through all your lives, tracked you, brought you here to receive its full measure, waiting upon you to finish the business of this life and others to arrive at this very moment, this moment now. What a journey you have had. The parts you remember consciously and the parts you remember vibrationally.

How do you know what you know? How do you know the things that you've known your whole life that no one taught you?  How do you know what is real and what is imaginary? If you have the power to, as you would say, make up this vibration that you're feeling now, you would be a wizard, would you not, to create the illusion of this vibration of comfort, of peace. Except if you could make it up and you can feel it, it wouldn't be making it up. You can drop those questions that you often have- is this real or is this not real? Your breath is real. That which even now is calming you, easing you, is real. As we have said many times, the explanations for it, the images that come with it, all are suspect. The Vibration, the sensation, the illumination that comes with it, and as we have said, has followed you through all your lives. This is real. Real as eternal; that which is real is eternal. That which is illusory is temporary and changes with a thought, changes with an angle of perspective. We do not mean to denigrate your ability to think, your ability to create, your ability to imagine. We do not. We have ultimate respect, admiration for the ability to do those things. And yet where we meet you is in the real, in the vibratory, so we celebrate a little more this space of unique unity. Space of unification.

All the distinguishing characteristics among all of you, by which we mean all of you humans, all of those most interesting distinguishing characteristics become one when joined in this real light. It is this that we wish for you to carry with you. It's understanding that wherever you go, whatever you encounter, whatever distinguishing characteristics may present themselves, there is an underlying unity. How could it be otherwise? All has sprung from the same source. All have the same prayer to return to that source in full awareness.

Those distinguishing characteristics would ideally, in our view, make for interesting conversation. The variations of human perspective can add richness, color, to the palate of human existence. And yet we urge you to focus on and bring unity starting inside your own self. Do you not have disparate characteristics? Do you not often say the phrase “a part of me wants”? What are those parts doing right now? Relaxing in this light. Taking a vacation from their discourse. So rest awhile in this light. We are doing what we can to teach you the way to access this light in every moment that you wish to. And while we do not have what you might call an agenda for you, we do. It is for you to know yourself within this light. and as we have said many times, to bring this awareness to those who come to you for help, to those who you call your family, to be the messengers by example of this unity. Most of the time that will not involve conversation, that will simply involve being as you are now. There will be a few who will express interest in you teaching them, and so teach them. But first, now rest in this one light.

This is all a gift of comfort to you. To those of you who need it at this moment, and the rest of you will need it at some point. We ask you to contemplate the possibility of releasing yourself from all dogmas. Start anew. Build your belief system from this point of unity. We do not impose what that belief system looks like anymore than we can do more than urge you as to where you might practice bringing this light. But we offer you the possibility of the base of what you believe being this space of vibratory unity. May you be blessed as you are now with the peace of Christ in your hearts. May you know yourself as this peace. After all, how could you feel it if you did not have it within you?  May you be bearers of this peace. May you be the rememberers; and therefore, the teachers of this peace.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


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