Light Is Not a Metaphor

Light Is Not a Metaphor

You have been taught already and will be taught that light is not a metaphor.  But what is this light?   Where does it come from?   It would not be wrong to say that it comes from inside you.  After all, you are in your essence one with everything, with every creature, therefore the light comes from inside you in the greatest sense.  Also the light comes from the stars, the suns and as it has been said, the sun behind the sun behind the sun. That place within, beyond creation. How mysterious, how beautiful, how as you would say mind-boggling, but that is the point, to boggle your mind. So you can feel/experience, the presence of that light in you and feel/experience it's augmentation as you instinctively connect with the sun behind the sun behind the sun.  Don't let others be the holder of your light for you. Your birthright, so to speak, is the same as every creature, as every person, as every plant, every molecule. You are from/of this light.

You have an advantage because when you turn your attention to it, it will respond.  Turn your attention inward the light responds.   Turn your attention from that inward to that source whatever that means to you and the light responds.  What an infinitely powerful creation you are.  And yet because you are simply like every other aspect of creation that magnificence does not make you special, except that you are loved and beloved.   

In the acknowledgment of that, love is a special thing in relation to not acknowledging it.  So embrace the bogglement of your mind.  Don't hate your mind but don't follow it wherever it wants to go. Learn to make it the servant of your prayer, the actualizer of your  life's plan, the explainer but not the interpreter of your experience.   And recognize its stories for what they are, stories. All stories are metaphorical.  Don't confuse the metaphor of the stories of the mind with the actuality of the experience of the heart.  

May you  be blessed with peace of Christ in your hearts, the light of the Christ in your mind, the vibration of light in all your bodies, the expansion of your awareness inward and outward.  May your eyes see clearly, your hands create beauty, your mouth speak truth, and all your cells tingle with the aliveness that is your birthright. Amen. 

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

You Are Beloved


Light Is Your Friend