Light Is Your Friend

Light Is Your Friend

Light is your friend.   What does that mean?  Because a friend, a true friend, tells you the truth. A true friend illuminates what is real, what is true and trusts you to accommodate yourself to that truth, holds the space for your reaction, doesn't turn its back when you fall into reactivity, gives you the space to come back to your heart and examine the truth without judgment.   So Light is your friend.  

When you allow the Light which is present here now to penetrate through the layers of what we have called your vehicle you are inviting your friend into the intimacy of your house and if you are a true friend you give that friend some space to make itself comfortable inside your house.  Sometimes a new friend will take up more space than you are comfortable with, you wish that they would confine themselves to only one room.  But while this friend is respectful, this friend also is what it is, and it will more or less gently, more or less slowly, enter into all the rooms in your house and encourage you to clean them of the accumulated material so that over time your house can be a place of worship.  What does that mean?  A place honors all beings as you honor yourself.  A place where all who are respectful can enter and those who are not respectful, not ready to enter your house with respect and calm and bring you their gifts, have to wait outside.  

How good to have a friend who will never desert you, who only wants what's good for you and who has an endless eternal supply of patience, love, truth, compassion, forgiveness, and all the other qualities that in most cases are approximated by your friends on earth.  So the invitation of this day is to welcome that friend. You will have the opportunity now and later on today to breathe in that friend. Of course that friend is everywhere and yet there is a particular gelling of that friend's body, so to speak, that is just for you and will adapt itself to your particular vehicle and comfort you in a way that only an intimate friend would know how to do, ease your burdens by literally lightening them and also then, by the intuitive knowledge that you will gain that you are not and never have been alone.  

So rejoice in your new friendship and marvel at the orchestration that has brought you this friend.  All that you have passed through, all the darkness,  all the light, all the confusion,  all the states of being that blessed humans can occupy have brought you, as we said yesterday, to the door that you are now opening to let your friend in. And while it is possible, although not likely, that your life on earth will look exactly the same when you leave here as it did when you came, your house will be different.  Your inner life will change fundamentally, profoundly, beautifully, and not without its challenges. For to honor such a friend you need to be a friend, and in the light that the friend shows you it becomes more difficult to turn away and ignore the places in your house that are calling for cleaning.  It is difficult to ignore what you have put in the closets, hidden from your own sight. The teacher taught that more difficult than owning your darkness is owning your light, owning the friend of the friend.  May you be blessed now and as you walk with your new friend with the peace of the Christ in your hearts   Breathe in that peace. There will be more than enough time to evaluate words but right now receive and honor the knowledge and vibration that comes with them.  That is our main purpose, to introduce you to the array of vibrational states that your new friendship will open to you, help you recognize them so you can be the co-participant in securing them in whatever nest you may be called to inhabit.  


Light Is Not a Metaphor


Pay Attention