Pay Attention

Pay Attention

The purpose of meditation is to create an inner space, allow the creation of an inner space, where what is naturally present can make its appearance. The same could be said of all true healing modalities.  We create an ambience, an atmosphere, inner and outer, where what is ready to happen can be welcomed. All of your practices have this central theme.  Calling forth what is already present but has been obscured by the weight of your thoughts, your emotions, your preoccupations, your daily life.  In this training you will be taught how to consciously cooperate in the creation of that inner space in you, so that your natural healing gifts, your natural already existing alignment with your spiritual guides, with your higher self, with your inner self, with your lower self, with all the various parts of yourself, all of them can come in to conference in the opening, clearing, space of your heart.  And then by the exquisite gift of free choice, and the ability to actualize your choice, you will choose your path of actualization of those gifts. 

This training has been created for that, to allow you to welcome, call forth, get to know and make use of, that which already exists in you waiting to bloom.  You will be taught many things and you will teach each other many things, by what you discover, by what you already know, by the humble understanding of what you don't know, and in the sharing of that with your fellows. No one has an agenda for you. Our aim is to create a space of total freedom of exploration of those gifts within a harmonious respect held space of what we call the Circle of Compassion. 

The first lesson in the ongoing lesson, because there really is no end, is to pay attention. In the first place pay attention to how you pay attention.  When you activate your awareness, when you activate your perceptive abilities, who/what steps to the front?  Is it your sight, is it your feeling, is it your intuition, is it your sensing, knowing without knowing why or how.  Pay attention to how you pay attention, naturally.  Join in the inherent gift of perception.  Become the observer, the collaborator, the co-creator of your own program of perception. 

 Even as we are speaking here, what we call the forces are gathering, the ambience is shifting as each of you relaxes, makes contact with your breath, allowing yourself to become part of the circle, naturally, easily. When you join in a circle of the heart, you don't leave your questions behind, you don't adopt a belief system, you simply join in the co-creation of the ambience of receptivity, of possibility, of potential, that is based in peace. 

You are all students here, all of you, students of the divine science of inner alignment, students of that most precious gift of discernment, students of the recognition of truth, students of the exploration of the relationship between your individual self and the inner reality of unity. What does this have to do with healing, that is healing. Because in the process of that exploration and occasionally of the twisting and turning, even for some of you in some moments, the agony of release of that which you have carried, you create that inner space, that ambience of receptivity, of possibility, where those gifts that for some of you will bloom for the first time and in some of you will simply add branches; can make their appearance, act through you, in collaboration with what we call your guides, for the actualization of your prayer  to be of good use in this most glorious and most complicated of worlds. 

We will say this to you many times that you are blessed and may you be blessed with a piece of the Christ in your hearts. You will of course have a conversation about that word that for some people is what you call a trigger.  What we will say to you again and again is this, call it what you will, but learn in this blessed space to call it. Call it what you will but call it for your benefit, the benefit of those who come to you and, as you would say, for the benefit of all beings.  We leave you now but we don't leave you.  To your deliberations, your collaborations, your investigations, perhaps a little less your justifications and  your rationalizations, Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Light Is Your Friend


Assess Without Judgment