Assess Without Judgment

Assess Without Judgement

In your world the word assessment comes, as you would say, loaded with opinions. Today is a day of assessment but not an assessment that ascribes value, relative value, to that which is assessed. Each of you have dedicated yourself to the embodiment of Light. Each of you have committed yourself to the transformation necessary to make that embodiment more pure, more powerful, more clear, more useful. To assess where you are in that process, which by the way, has no end, you need to use the gift of memory to look back these number of months ago. And the gift of memory and vision to see your progress, the path you’ve walked over these months. As we have said, there is no end to the process. So, you are not assessing where you are in relation to some abstract goal. Because our teaching is about the awareness of what is. And so, as all beings have, you have many different facets to yourself, you are, so to speak, a composite. 

What you have gained and are gaining in these months is the organizing center around which the composite elements can come into harmony. And so our suggestion of your assessment is that you begin by looking, feeling, sensing what we have called your core. As the elements come into harmony, so does your entire vehicle come into harmonious functioning. So do you have the ability increasingly to walk through your life allowing those elements to transform, as they need to, to create greater health, more joy and the ability to be a useful instrument. 

Next, assess your relationship to, what we hope we have conveyed, is that great universal force of Light. Again, not with an abstract goal, an abstract image of something to be obtained that can never be attained. But an actual seeing, feeling, knowing of that relationship with Light. Not only what happens when you call Light. But how often do you remember? In what situations do you remember to link yourself as you’ve been taught and when do you forget and rely on those various elements of ego, personality? Those filters that you are familiar with, when do you rely on those?

Look at your relationships: the truthfulness that you’ve managed to bring to them, the heart that you have sworn to bring into all your relationships, into all your situations. Assess without judgment the role you have given your heart to play.

Lastly, assess your devotion to your own Divine Being, to the gift of your life. We ask you to do this not because we wish to evaluate you in relation to an abstract list of qualities upon which our love and respect depend. Love and respect are inherent in the relationship that we have with you. They are, in fact, inherent in the relationships that you have with each other. And so you may wish to make a part of your assessment how often you remember that. And act through that, as this one has said, filter, rather than the filters of judgment, criticism of yourself that then reflect outward at times. Know that that love and respect is not even a gift, it is simply what is, in the field of sacred relationship. 

We leave you now to your assessment. Not so you can compare but so that you can embody truth. All beings are in process of development of evolution. The assessment allows for the space to open for the next steps of that development in that evolution. 

We leave you now in this Peace. You may wish to start your assessment in that Peace, knowing that Peace, remembering back to when Peace was just a word, rather than the experience of this Divine quality.


Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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Experiencing Light