Experiencing Light

Experiencing Light

We greet you from where we are, which in fact is inside your heart. This Light that you are experiencing now is not here just for this day or these days together.  We have said before and we will keep saying it as long as you are willing to listen, that this Light is your friend. It is a gift to you. Not because you deserve it. Deserving is not a concept that we understand. To deserve you would have had to do something wrong and then correct it. Turning your face away from the sun and pretending that it’s not there is not wrong. It’s foolish, because the sun is there. As is the sun behind the sun behind the sun.

The fact is that you are here now, breathing in this Light. You are in this vibration, turning your face to it, but in deeper fact opening your heart to forge more deeply the new relationship that you have; relationships in fact, with all those forces that we spoke of yesterday that ride on the light. The fact that you are opening yourself to this is not so much correcting an error as just acknowledging reality.

You don’t have to believe to receive. Belief can give you an explanation, an orientation to what is. How much more useful to simply be with what is. How does this Light, this peace, this compassion, this forgiveness, this truth, this beauty- how does it, they, make you feel? Do you feel the peace? Does something in you acknowledge that, appreciate it, rejoice at its presence in you? Why would you not celebrate that? Why would you not make a relationship with that? What could possibly be wrong with peace? 

Belief is not necessary when true experience is present. What other explanation do you need besides that this is real, true, healing, unifying? Certainly you can impose explanations. It is what you do. You create concepts, ideas. And all that is fine, as long as you understand that that is all they are: ways to communicate.

It is the experience available to you through your gift of the body that will tell you what is true and what to follow. Many of you in your world seek to escape experience, true experience. The complications of having the body prove too much, you believe, because, as you say, you can’t have one without the other. Light exists in function of darkness; pleasure exists in function of pain which is just contraction; freedom must exist in relation to its opposite constriction. How would you know one without the other? And yet you seek to escape the one. And so you can never fully have the other.

The tool you have been given to tolerate the pain, to mitigate the suffering, is unity. Letting go of that false but very present belief in separateness. Unity inside yourself, the various parts of you harmonized. Unity among you sharing the space of compassion, celebration, appreciation of this Light and what it brings. Unity with those beings who come to love you, counsel you, challenge you. And unity with the flow of the universe. And then pain becomes an experience- as does pleasure- within the context of unity.

We ask you on this day to pay attention to the sensations of the presence of the variations in the vibration of light. You will be given the chance on this day to receive more deeply, speak more truthfully, appreciate more fully that which you have been given. May it serve you well. May you all leave here a little bit stunned by the magnificence of your own being and at the mystery beyond belief, beyond opinion, the great joy of not knowing but being in contact with all that is. We ask only that you give your attention. That is, so to speak, the price that you pay.

We leave you now in this peace that we share with you to the blessed work you have been given to do. Have no fear of failure. There is no such thing. To fail is to fail to meet a standard which does not exist. Amen

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


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