Trust There Is a Plan
Trust There Is a Plan
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ in you, Light of Christ with you, Light of Christ of you. Light of Christ to guide you, heal you, comfort you. All of this is possible, as you now know, with a single breath, with a single awareness.
When you link with this Light consciously, in awareness, it does not mean that every problem that you have or exhibit will be instantly relieved. It does mean that you have the experience, on a deep level of yourself, of yourself. It means that on the deepest level that light in you which called that greater light to you is being activated.
How does that help you, as you would say, in your day-to-day life? This one has experienced this today: the awareness of yourself allows you to be aware of your many selves. Of your happy self, your sad self, your angry self, your wounded self, your perfect self. When you are linked with the Light, as this one has taught you, your enemies of guilt, shame and pride are put in their proper place. They do not, so to speak, run the show. They become observers but not influencers.
Today we ask you to be aware of your various selves by, right now in this very moment, going deep inside as we have said before underneath the underneath, the underneath. Place your awareness at the center of your heart; but the center is not on the surface the center is deep, not even within your body, within the space of your universe, the sun at the center of your universe. Your selves are the stars that shine that circle around that sun. What is the use of all this? We would counsel that it brings you freedom.
The counsel we would give you is to be aware of, but not obsessed with, your selves. The sun holds all of the stars and planets in its light. And each one of those receives the light and stays in its proper orbit. And so the universe, the star system, functions in harmony. It is from this harmony that your health comes. It is from this harmony that your clarity comes. The planets are not confused. And while it is true that one planet does not necessarily know what the other planet is doing the harmony creates the conditions for the evolution of all.
Trust that there is a plan. Trust that what is presented to you is for your benefit. Trust that each one of you has been called here for your own benefit and the benefit of many others: the ones you know, the ones you see, the ones you touch and the ones that you pass by in the street and never will see again or ever talk to. Be comfortable with what you don’t know which is almost everything. And yet what you do know is a great worth.
Let this Light shine upon you. Let it shine upon you by opening yourself consciously to its rays. The teaching is: when you concentrate, when you are aware and you open yourself to become a vessel of Light, not passively not even actively but presently, the Light will respond. You are its child, you are its partner, you are its collaborator and while the mind does not have a mind like you, a personality like you, it is alive. It is alive. It is in fact the most alive that alive can be because it is what makes everything else be alive. The stars do not shine; they vibrate, they emit.
In this moment inside you renew your prayer. It has transformed, has it not, in these days together? What has been revealed to you? What has come to you in your meditations, in your dreams, in your interactions, in your contemplations? What do you place, so to speak, as we say, on the altar of faith? Place it. The place in your heart that you know is open. The light is radiating upon it. Don’t hold back, don’t hold out, don’t hold up, don’t hold in. Celebrate your freedom. The freedom of choice you are exhibiting now, making use of now. Breathe into each of your energy centers. Open them from the inside out, open the front and back of them with your breath, all of them.