Building A Relationship To The Divine Vibration Of Light

Building a Relationship To The Divine Vibration Of Light

The Light surrounding you, has come again has it not? What did you do to deserve it? Is that not a concept in your world, is that not a prison in your world, the idea of deserving, or not deserving, earning, not earning, your measure? Certainly there is effort required to prepare yourself for the receiving, but when the moment of receiving comes it has nothing to do with what you’ve earned, what you deserve, what you may have done, or not done.

Participation in the dance of life, participation in the sea of love, participation in the vibration of Light, are simply a matter of turning your attention to them. Then, as you would say, awaiting their arrival, not because there is a parcelling out, but because there has to be an alignment inside you, to allow that which comes, to have access. It is why we encourage you to find a time in your day for contemplation, meditation, reception. There are those in your world who have tried to reduce this to a scientific, material, action. Certainly there are benefits to calmess on all levels of your body.

The secret you are learning here is, the Light is waiting your invitation to focus its beam upon you to enliven its creation, to join with its creation, in celebration, vibration. Is there not an expression in your world, what’s the catch? The catch is the Light is also inspiring, and it will through its infusion in you, generate the wish to help others receive what you are receiving. That is, as you would say, the catch. Light calls to Light as the heart calls to the heart. Also, for most of you, when you begin to receive this vibration into your vehicle, it’s very hard to live without it. It is literally impossible to live without it. But it is hard to live without it in consciousness. It is hard to live without the awareness of the vibration because it’s reminding you of that which you are, of, as you studied yesterday, your true identity. So, here now, receive even more deeply. Use what you are being taught, have been taught. Align yourself in your center. Breath in your heart. Relax. Pay attention to the sensation of vibration. That is, as you would say, it. All of it.

It is of course possible for you to sit in this blessed circle, receive this light, and of course, be grateful for what you are receiving, and then walk out these blessed doors, return to your nest, and forget it. It is after all the state of human incarnation to be, in forgetting. We would urge you to create ways to remind each other in between your visits to this larger nest.

There is no more that we have to convey to you at his moment because by doing what you are doing now, and making a pledge to build this in to your day to day life, all else will follow.

Many of you have expressed the wish to be closer to what you call your guides, to activate your intuition even more fully, to heal on every level the disturbances that prevent your full life experience. It is with this that you are doing now, your building relationship to the divine vibration of Light and all that it brings you, that all of these things will follow. Again not because you deserve it, or don’t deserve it, but because it is, what is. It is in the natural flow, the natural program of life, that all beings evolve, become greater and greater part of all that is. So we leave you with this: You are blessed with the peace of Christ in you. You are recipients of that Light because you are of that Light. Be aware of that Light, the love that it has for you and the love that it stimulates in you, and all will be well.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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