Recognizing the Vibration of Love

Recognizing the Vibration of Love

Light upon you. Light within you. Light, as you would say, even at your beckon call. If in fact it is true, and it is true, that Light is infinite, then of course it would be at your beckon call because also Light has no opinion, as it has been said. To Light, every act of creation is a celebration. It is better among humans to create that which enhances, that which glorifies, that which unifies, that which gives pleasure. And every act of creation is exactly that. It has been said, as above so below, and so, of course, there are, so to speak, competing opinions, competing plans, for what will be created, how it will be created, and what it will serve.

You are joining in a plan that has as its base purpose, unity, peace. Its tools are compassion, and faith and calmness. Its methodology is forgiveness. It is not, as you know, the only plan that exists. This plan calls for you to embody your highest self, and also to bring, so to speak, your lowest, into awareness, to become fuel. The oil that lives in the earth is dense, and deep, dark, thick. But also energy comes from the sun, even from the moon. There is so much energy among the stars that when you learn how to bring it into manifestation there will be no more lack anywhere on your planet.

You are now called upon to harness some of that, brilliance, vibration, that holds all creation in order, in harmony, and use it within that plan for unity, harmony, peace, commonality. You are starting here by learning to recognize that vibration when it comes to you. Recognize it now. This one is channeling, so to speak, as you would say, but our purpose is not simply to use the mouth of one to educate the others.

Our purpose is to bring a vibration for the benefit of all so you can be taught. Even now you can be adjusted in your reception abilities, even now. We do not come primarily to bring information, we come to bring vibration, sensation, communication, within. How do you know that you are receiving, embodying, this vibration, the same vibration that holds the sun, the moon, the stars? How do you know, what happens inside you? How do you recognize the vibration when it comes to you?

Our recommendation is to stop, your activities, mostly your inner mental activity, and concentrate on the vibration. When you do this you will see, you will observe, that your thoughts will continue, but they will not continue with your participation. And even they, will, so to speak, come into line, as you would say, get with the program.

We interpret your prayer that you have made, as permission, an invitation, to blend with you, to join you in this vibration, celebration, magnification, until you know, truly, that your substance is this vibration. You are an emanation of that same vibration. You can feel that your flesh, your bones, your organs, are a condensation of this vibration. If, as you are sitting here, in this moment, there are areas of your blessed vehicle that are resistant to this vibration, communicating that through pain, contraction, direct your breath to that place. Invite. Invite. Invite, this vibration, into that place. Direct it through your breath. Direct it through your awareness.

This, that you are doing now, is what you will eventually do with others. How simple. You are simply turning the searchlight on a particular place in the universe of your vehicle. You are calling a ray of the sun to illuminate a place where darkness has become condensed. You are calling the vibration of love into a place that has been contracted through ignorance, through fear.

We say you are all good students. We say, welcome. We say, you are beloved. We say, congratulations. Welcome to this plan. Welcome to this house. Welcome to this nest. Welcome to your own heart.

And to return to the beginning, what else do you need? In this moment, in this instant, in this place, what do you need that you are not receiving, now?

May you be blessed as you are with the peace of the Christ in your hearts. May you know yourself as that peace. May you become examples simply by embodying that peace for the ones searching for that inside themselves. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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