Pay Attention
The encouragement that we would give you is, as always, to pay attention. And to let go of the idea, the belief—which is actually a blockage to knowledge—that if something untoward happens it is a sign of failure on your part. This one made a prayer. In the fulfillment of that prayer, the qualities necessary for the transformation that he, and, in your case, you, are seeking, will be stimulated….
The encouragement that we would give you is, as always, to pay attention. And to let go of the idea, the belief—which is actually a blockage to knowledge—that if something untoward happens it is a sign of failure on your part. This one made a prayer. In the fulfillment of that prayer, the qualities necessary for the transformation that he, and, in your case, you, are seeking, will be stimulated. If the necessity, as it is in this case, to, as you would say, slow down, pay closer attention, be aware of the preciousness of breath, then we in collaboration with your blessed vehicle—that as you know has its own consciousness, has its own patterns—we in collaboration with that will create the conditions where those particular qualities are made available to you. If the necessity in order to actualize the prayer is to change something profound in the arrangement of your outer life and/or your inner life, and if your prayer is sincere, then that is what we respond to. Not ever with the intention of hurting you, punishing you, or bringing you into anything other than the realization of your prayer. And your vehicle has its rules, its laws, its limitations, and it is through that blessed vehicle that you will learn what you need to learn along the way of the transformation you are seeking.
We have told you this before. This one has written this before. And yet it is good to have examples. To contemplate through the lens of our suggestion the examples that are in front of you. And then later the examples of your own self, of your own life, of what you have been presented with, are being presented with, and will be presented with. It is a misinterpretation of spiritual reality to imagine and then demand of yourself and others that an image of imagined perfection that involves only happiness is the sign of a spiritualized life. We would suggest that that is not a spiritualized life. That may be a blessed life that may have been arranged beforehand; and also it can be a life that involves, as you would say, denial.
So release in the way you know how, that belief, that image that you reflect yourself against and always come out with an opinion of your being lesser, not matching up to that image.
We would return to the theme with which we began this blessed gathering: Accept what is.
Take what is presented to you and examine it through this lens: Remember the prayer you made not just in these days; remember the prayer you made last week, last year. Remember the prayer you made before you came into this life.
We do not justify the imposition of pain, one upon the other. We do not justify in any way the enslaving of one of another. We do come to teach the good use of your life; turning things which are hurtful into things which are useful. Turning things which are painful into things which are uplifting for you and others in the transformation of that pain into wisdom.
We are with you. Have always been, will always be. We celebrate you. We bow before you. We will teach you as long as you wish to learn. And one day when you join us where we are you will become the teacher for others, the guide for others. And in this life each of you has been given, will be given, the opportunity to teach through example. Not the example of the image of abstract perfection but the image of what it means and how it is to walk the path of the heart. With all the opportunities to trip and fall. Someday, perhaps, you will have wings.
May you be blessed now and forever with the Peace of Christ in your hearts. May it guide your work, may it lead you ever more deeply into the places of humility, acceptance and all those other qualities which are awaiting your nurturing breath.
Águia Branca
Gift of the Body—Bend, Oregon
To read a letter from Jonathan on the context of this transmission visit our articles section.
True Transformation
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ with in you, Light of Christ to give you comfort, to give you perspective in your moments of sadness. We do not seek to explain away anything. It is not our purpose to cover anything about you with words of distraction. It is our purpose to help you live fully and yet also have access to joy, to that comfort that Light brings and to help yourself and others to learn to hold together the space of the heart.
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ with in you, Light of Christ to give you comfort, to give you perspective in your moments of sadness. We do not seek to explain away anything. It is not our purpose to cover anything about you with words of distraction. It is our purpose to help you live fully and yet also have access to joy, to that comfort that Light brings and to help yourself and others to learn to hold together the space of the heart. As you know, entering your heart neither solves all your problems nor prevents you from feeling the depth within you, and in some in cases the depth of the despair that can be temporarily generated by the actions of the ones manifesting the negative thoughts that we have taught you swim in the sea of consciousness.
We propose that unity in the face of hatred, compassion holding the space for transformation, love being revealed even in the most difficult of circumstances, is a more useful solution to the navigation of the process of evolution than are some of the other options being presented to you. We ask you to understand that despair rides on the back of hatred. As you have seen in your own selves in these days, transformation is a process that has many aspects. True transformation requires the revelation of darkness; the uncovering, the opening of the boxes. Are there not many boxes among humans? It is strange to say perhaps, but the ones provoking the opening of the boxes are actually doing a service if you understand the necessity of the revelation of the darkness.
The opportunity, as we are humbly teaching you, is to find the space of the heart in you. Most especially, most especially in the difficult moments. Train yourself in the less difficult moments. Make a program for yourself to embody these Divine Tactics in the moments when you are not challenged by the imposition of the thoughts of despair, of hatred, of disunity, of confusion. Choose compassion when you walk in your natural places. Choose compassion when you hug your children. And then when the moment comes when you need to be an example of compassion in the face of these other unfortunately but truly necessary revelations of darkness, you have, so to speak, practiced.
We have talked in these days of the immutable laws. It is an immutable law that evolution, transformation, must be given the space to complete. And so when we invoke the Christ Light and we say Christ Light in you, Christ Light to give you comfort, we are not, as you know, just using words. We are invoking that Universal force which is present in all circumstances, whatever the appearance may be. If it is true what we say, that this force that is here now with you, that each of you is perceiving in your way and, as we have taught, each in your own way; if it is true that this light of comfort, this light of illumination that we call the Christ Light is available in every situation—is that not why we are teaching you, encouraging you to be the ones who recognize its presence and call it present.
It is tempting, sometimes overwhelmingly tempting, to join in the chorus, the cacophony, the screeching of opinion. We do not hold any of you in judgment for joining temporarily in that chorus. But understand that that chorus has the purpose of discharging energy, not of solving any of the problems that may be contemplated. After the screeching, return to the breathing. After the cacophony, return to the awareness of the Peace of the Christ in your hearts and call it present. That is what we offer you, that is what we suggest. That is what we can do within the immutable laws.
In this moment, dear ones, receive the gift that this Light is bringing you. Receive. Open those centers that are free to receive when the cacophony of thought is calmed. This gift is, so to speak, the reward for what you have done here in creating this most beautiful nest, this harmonious space within which we can come and bring you these gifts. Our agenda, if you wish to describe it that way, is that you become the bearer of gifts. The recipient, the beneficiary and the bearer.
May you be blessed now....actually we would change the words today….May you realize the blessing that you have now of the Peace of Christ in your hearts. May you know that underneath all of your identifications, you are essentially this Light and this Peace. How could you respond to it if you were not also it?
May this Peace, this Light, continue to be your companion, to be your referent in all the aspects of your life. Wherever you go, whatever circumstance you find yourself in as you live your most interesting lives, you will be welcomed always in this nest. This nest depends on your good heart and increases your good heart. Is that not the true exchange?
We leave you now in this peace but, as we have said many times, we do not leave you. We are riders on this Light and when you call this light using the Divine Tactics we have sought to impart to you we will, so to speak, slide in with this light. That is our pledge to you. The pledge you make is, as we say, up to you. Amen
Águia Branca
October 28, 2018
Oneness with Nature
Welcome, welcome dear ones to the beginning of the rest of your life. This moment marks, as you would say, a demarcation, if you wish it. The past could be labeled, “Self Absorption”; the present “Transition”; the future “Oneness with Nature”. Acknowledging, feeling, knowing your true nature which is both divine celestially and divine earthly. You are a miracle, an amalgam unique in the universe. Because your planet is unique, your body is unique. Not better than any of the others, but unique in its amalgam of the aspects of spirit….
Welcome, welcome dear ones to the beginning of the rest of your life. This moment marks, as you would say, a demarcation, if you wish it. The past could be labeled, “Self Absorption”; the present “Transition”; the future “Oneness with Nature”. Acknowledging, feeling, knowing your true nature which is both divine celestially and divine earthly. You are a miracle, an amalgam unique in the universe. Because your planet is unique, your body is unique. Not better than any of the others, but unique in its amalgam of the aspects of spirit.
We come here to introduce you once again to the wonder of nature. Even those of you who walk in the woods, even those of you who come into contact with nature, fail to appreciate its depth, its complex simplicity, its complex simplicity, its essential harmony, its absolute obedience to the law of nature. Every creature obeys the law of nature. It is only humans who seek to destroy that law, thereby destroying their own nature. The sicknesses on your earth, they come from this disconnection, particularly and most painfully the mental illness that pervades all humanity. The incidences of mental illness in nature, true nature, are very few. The incidences of mental illness among humans are immense and growing everyday. But you know a secret now: linking yourself with nature, linking yourself here with this forest, with the forest that surrounds you; the lakes, the rivers, the forest, the lakes, the rivers, the mountains, the lakes, the rivers, the mountains, the lakes, the rivers, the mountains, the forest…
Breathe in now. Breathe your connection to nature now. Feel how your bodies respond. What’s the difference between you and nature? The difference is you can think about it and decide. But not really. But you can pretend to think about it and pretend to decide, but your inner self is reaching all the time. Many people in your world feel lost, lost, lost, wandering lost–taking medication, taking drugs, taking all kinds of things to alleviate their lostness. What are they lost from? What are they missing? To feel lost is to be missing something. Missing a piece. There’s an emptiness where nature is trying to vibrate.
So we are here to help you with this. It is our purpose. We live to help. It is our healing also to help you. If we help you, as we help you connect with nature, we save ourselves, do we not? We are, because God mandated it, dependent on you; your good will, your awareness, your consciousness. We were actually doing quite well until you showed up, but we receive you with love because the Divine Ones have a plan for you and for us; Progressive Evolution of Consciousness. Progressive Evolution of Consciousness. All of us together. We win or we lose, all of us together.
So join us now and pledge yourself to become one with nature. How you do that will be guided from inside you. What you need to do specifically to encourage that, to allow that, will become clear to you if you say yes. Because we are here to help and each one of you has your own Pena Verde, so to speak.
Now the time has come my brothers and sisters to celebrate your life, your new life. We said at the beginning, welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life. If you choose: the past is self absorbtion, the present is transition and the future is oneness with nature. It’s not only possible, it’s imperative. As the chief says, May you be blessed with the peace of Christ in your hearts. As we say, may you feel the peace and the order and the harmony and the truth of nature in your heart and in all your bodies. May it relieve you of all your pain, all your preoccupation, all your concerns, all your worry. It is not possible to suffer mental illness if you are linked to nature. Don’t let your mind stop you. Don’t let your fear stop you. Don’t let anything stop you from what your heart wants, craves, needs.
We leave you now in this peace. Bless you in your new life. Amen
Pena Verde
December 1, 2017
The Real Choice
The true choice is not between lightness and density. The real choice is between full life and partial life. Entering into what seems like the density makes the possibility of true Lightness be present. Going into the density, entering into the process of incarnation, is what we are talking about; fully incarnating. That choice actually allows the experience of lightness, but lightness in a fuller way, lightness in a way that is both pleasant and also useful because flying around trying to not step on the earth makes one vulnerable to whatever is flying around near you.
The true choice is not between lightness and density. The real choice is between full life and partial life. Entering into what seems like the density makes the possibility of true Lightness be present. Going into the density, entering into the process of incarnation, is what we are talking about; fully incarnating. That choice actually allows the experience of lightness, but lightness in a fuller way, lightness in a way that is both pleasant and also useful because flying around trying to not step on the earth makes one vulnerable to whatever is flying around near you. Also because the agreement of incarnation is to be on earth, to be present. Not being fully on earth also makes you less useful in the mission you came to perform because you’re spending a lot of your energy trying not to be on earth and therefore not fully doing what you came here to do.
For a while, in the process of coming into one's full incarnation, it can feel uncomfortably dense, even painfully dense. And there is also always present in the background the memory of where you came from, which for many of you is a place of Lightness. And in the memory of that there are moments when you feel homesick, you feel bereft. When you are fully incarnate even that becomes another experience to hold. It becomes part of the temporary, complex, beautiful, interesting project of being an incarnate human.
To be here while you are here allows you, when your time is up, to leave with joy, to leave with a sense of a job well done, to leave complete.
You have in this circle, and in the circles that you may choose to create or enter, ones who are making the same investigation as are you. Each circle has its particular purpose. One of the purposes of this circle, the teachings that have been given and continue to evolve through each of you, is to create a circle where those who are sensitive, ambivalent about their incarnational assignment, but who have great Light and great potential to be the bringers of Light, can come together in harmony and help each other. Sometimes even to complain together about what we are talking about.
To dance fully you need to be fully in your body. To love fully through the body is to complete the experience of being on earth. To receive the force of forgiveness in your heart you need to be present to recognize it. The one earlier today spoke about choice, spoke about the choice you are making. So the choice to be on earth, the choice to be fully in the gift of the body that you’ve been given, is a profound one. From that your power will be exhibited, from that your healing will be accomplished, from that your work on earth will make itself known.
Many of you here have lived from the top down, not quite getting fully down. Now the offer is to finish your incarnating. Not to die, but to finish becoming fully incarnate. You are being given the tools. The secret is that when you become fully incarnate there is a great relief that you feel because you have been designed for that state. Your body, your gift of the body, was designed for that. There’s a great relief in, as you would say, getting with the program.
So celebrate. Even celebrate the density. For some of you it’s an odd and new experience. You might as well have it while it’s available, so you can go back to where you came from and tell your friends all you learned here. They’re waiting for you.
We leave you with this thought: There is but one way home and that way home is through the heart and that heart is begging you to receive it, to join it, to know it and to do that you must be fully present in your body.
We hope this is good news. It’s not easy news for some of you, but it is delivered with great love and respect. It’s easy for us to give advice to the ones who have physical bodies since we don’t have them. So please evaluate for each of you in the inner chambers of your silence what we have said. Make your choices well, make your choices wisely, make your choices calmly. And we’ll get back to you to find out what you’ve decided.
As you say, Amen
September 9, 2017
Universal Love
Let us all lift our eyes—your inner eyes—to the sun. For indeed the sun, as you spell it s-u-n, is also the son, s-o-n. The son of what? The son of universal love, the daughter of universal love. He gives life without question, without condition. Life to be used as you choose to use it. So it is at the same time metaphorical and actual. Lift your inner eyes to that sun.
Let us all lift our eyes—your inner eyes—to the sun. For indeed the sun, as you spell it s-u-n, is also the son, s-o-n. The son of what? The son of universal love, the daughter of universal love. He gives life without question, without condition. Life to be used as you choose to use it. So it is at the same time metaphorical and actual. Lift your inner eyes to that sun. And beyond that, to the sun beyond that, to the sun beyond that, to the sun beyond that; to the source of that son, that daughter - the son you are, the daughter you are. Glory in that. Celebrate that. It is what He/She/We come to teach.
Because you have been given the gift of awareness and a mind, you also have been given the challenge to use it well. And so you also use it to make up stories. Which are very beautiful, but many of you get confused and believe that the story is what the story is about. What are the inner teachings? The inner teachings are what guide you to the source of your own inner self, to the awareness and experience of that which you are underneath, within the stories. You are a story told by the Divine Ones for the enrichment of the universal great plan. You are a story that came from the heart of the Divine One, manifested and then began to tell itself stories. The inner teachings are to guide you back to the experience of the original, the origin from which all the stories came.
Right now you are in contact with that original impulse, that light from which you stepped into manifestation. How did that (manifestation) happen? That is the ultimate mystery. It’s not possible for us to describe that so we create stories to guide you to the experience of this, of that. All of your scientists are looking for this; all of your religions are looking for this, seeking to describe this when all that’s necessary is an opening heart.
In this very moment, all that you came here seeking can be realized. Clear your mind. Clear your thoughts. Be in the pure experience. Breathe as this one teaches you: in your heart. Why? Because in the heart is the receptor, the receptors for the vibration of true light, undistorted light, un-interpreted light. That prayer you made, offer it again now. Calmly. Let the confusions that you have, the dilemmas you have, the illnesses you have simply be in your awareness, held in your heart, radiated here, now: transformed here, now.
Now bring the ones gently in front of you in your vision to whom you want to send this light, this transformation. The ones you care for, the ones who care for you. The ones who you know are struggling from a lack of faith, from a lack of awareness of this light. Bring them here in front of your vision for a moment. But don’t do anything. Just call them into this light. Now call forth the planetary disturbances, the expressions of the dark ones. Don’t do anything, just call them into light.
Now form a line, a link from your heart and from what you would call your third eye and your crown, and send that line of prayer, of appreciation, of wonder, of devotion, to that source of Light. Link yourself and bring that Light, allow it to come down that line into your whole being into your bodies through you, into you, into your precious earth. This is what He taught; this is what we teach. Just allow it. Now breathe in the precious air that nurtures your body. Feed the Light with your breath.
Now the space of gratitude will appear naturally as a natural expression of receiving - a natural consequence of being filled with Light.
Now be still and receive.