Your Right to Choose
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to comfort you. Light to give you perspective. As you walk through your life, you have a choice of perspectives. Do you not? There is the temporary perspective of your mind. The limited perspectiveof your emotions. The eternal perspective of your spirit.
Partner in the Mission
Light upon you. Light Within you. Light surrounding you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to show you the way. Can you feel now the fullness of your nest? Can you feel how the nest itself rejoices when all the birds have come back to be in it?
Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality
Blessings be upon you as you take the next steps on your path of healing. Light be with you, light be in you, light be around you, light be from you, light be for you. The opportunity presented by starting anew is to bring your awareness to the steps of the renewal as you reform your new nest.
Rest in the Light, in the Mystery
Light upon you, Light within you -feel yourself resting in light, resting. Is it possible, is it possible that we are with you all the time? That that way that you interpret yourself -that you are a little different than you used to be, something's different, something feels a little different, is the presence of your guides?
Securing the Space of the Heart
Light upon you, Light within you. Light bringing your hearts into a common vibrational relationship. You know that this circle, that you create by your sincere effort, by your willingness to put your concerns aside, and step into the space of your heart—you know that this is not just for you.
How do You Know?
With a breath, you find your circle. With another breath you find your heart. This is how you know, so to speak, the progress that you’ve made.
The Miracle of Memory
This nest that you built, that you now are remembering, and by your remembering recreating it, this nest is delicate. It requires your attention. It requires your remembering. Pay attention to the miracle of memory.
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