The Art of Discernment
Greetings to you on this most auspicious day, auspicious because you are here, auspicious because the flock has re-gathered. Each of you bringing material, so to speak, sticks, leaves, from your own nest to bring to form this larger nest.
Bells of Reactivity
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light in every corner of your own being. Light in every corner that you inhabit. Let nothing get in the way of your new found relationship with Light.
Actively Cultivating Your Relationship To Light
When the Light descends upon you, or as some of you would prefer, when the Light is activated in you, how do you respond? Do you question its truthfulness? Does it activate your imagination? Does it raise more questions than are answered by its presence?
How Will You Know?
It is the great task of humanity, the challenge, if you will, to discern what to follow. In each of your little universes you have many planets, many stars.
Light Can Be Your Best Friend
The first lesson, today and every day that we gather, the basis of what we teach, the basis of what we learn, is to pay attention using the gift of awareness, more and more consciously, more and more simply, more and more perfectly. In this moment, paying attention to how your vehicle..
You Are Beloved
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you. As you clear yourself, as you calm yourself, as you allow your mind to run where it will and you stay calm and centered Light of Christ through you. No matter where you go in this world there is really only one truth you need to know, you are indeed beloved. All that happens to you is because you are human and chose to be a human.
Light Is Not a Metaphor
You have been taught already and will be taught that light is not a metaphor. But what is this light? Where does it come from? It would not be wrong to say that it comes from inside you. After all, you are in your essence one with everything, with every creature, therefore the light comes from inside you in the greatest sense.
Light Is Your Friend
Light is your friend. What does that mean? Because a friend, a true friend, tells you the truth. A true friend illuminates what is real, what is true and trusts you to accommodate yourself to that truth, holds the space for your reaction, doesn't turn its back when you fall into reactivity, gives you the space to come back to your heart and examine the truth without judgment. So Light is your friend.
Pay Attention
The purpose of meditation is to create an inner space, allow the creation of an inner space, where what is naturally present can make its appearance. The same could be said of all true healing modalities. We create an ambience, an atmosphere, inner and outer, where what is ready to happen can be welcomed.
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